
suomi-englanti sanakirja

warp englannista suomeksi

  1. vinouma

  2. kieroutuma, vääntymä, vääristymä

  3. vääristää

  4. vääntyä

  5. loimi

  1. vääntyminen

  2. vääntymä, vääristymä

  3. loimi

  4. varppi

  5. poimu

  6. vääristää, vääristyä

  7. varpata

  8. Verbi

  9. Substantiivi

warp englanniksi

  1. The state, quality, or condition of being twisted, physically or mentally:

  2. The state, quality, or condition of being physically bent or twisted out of shape.

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=1920|title=The British Journal of Photography|volume=67|page=246

  4. {{quote-book|en|year=2001|author=Roland Johnson|title=Automotive Woodworking : Restoration, Repair and Replacement|isbn=1610608151

  5. {{quote-book|en|year=1992|title=Innovation|volume=11-12|page=32

  6. 1992, ''Progrès scientifique au service du bois'' (International Union of Forestry Research Organizations. Division 5. Conference), page 503:

  7. (..) and Senft found that the fibril angle in both the (taxfmt) and (taxfmt) was high in juvenile wood, indicating that both are likely to exhibit warp in drying.
  8. The state, quality, or condition of being deviant from what is right or proper morally or mentally.

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=1933|title=Journal of the National Proctologic Association|volume=6|issue=5|page=126

  10. {{quote-text|en|year=1966|title=Man and International Relations: Conflict|page=306

  11. A distortion:

  12. A distortion or twist, such as in a piece of wood (qualifier).

  13. {{quote-text|en|year=1998|author=Gary May|title=Hard Oiler!: The Story of Canadians' Quest for Oil at Home|page=86

  14. {{quote-text|en|year=2014|title=July Crisis: The World's Descent into War, Summer 1914|page=396

  15. A mental or moral distortion, deviation, or aberration.

  16. {{quote-text|en|year=1905|title=Therapeutic Gazette|page=752

  17. (senseid) The threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric; crossed by the woof or weft.

  18. The foundation, the basis, the undergirding.

  19. {{quote-book|en|year=1993|title=The Sociological Tradition|page=251|isbn=1412839025

  20. {{quote-text|en|year=2013|title=The WPA Guide to North Carolina: The Tar Heel State|page=388

  21. A line or cable or rode as is used in warping (mooring or hauling) a ship, and sometimes for other purposes such as deploying a seine or creating drag.

  22. (quote-text)|title=The Pleasant, and Surprizing Adventures of Mr. Robert Drury, during his Fifteen Years Captivity on the Island of Madagascar|url=https://archive.org/details/pleasantandsurp00drurgoog|pages=11–12|location=London

  23. {{quote-text|en|year=1966|author=Peter Tangvald|title=Sea Gypsy|page=24

  24. A theoretical construct that permits travel across a medium without passing through it normally, such as a teleporter or warp.

  25. A situation or place which is or seems to be from another era; a warp.

  26. {{quote-text|en|year=2003|author=Lynne B. Sagalyn|title=Times Square Roulette: Remaking the City Icon|page=67

  27. {{quote-text|en|year=2012|author=Sîan Ede|title=Art and Science|page=68

  28. {{quote-text|en|year=2012|author=Richard Grossinger|title=Dark Pool of Light, Volume Three|page=105

  29. The sediment which subsides from turbid water; the alluvial deposit of muddy water artificially introduced into low lands in order to enrich or fertilise them.

  30. 1902, C. K. Eddowes, speaking before the Royal Commission on Salmon Fisheries, as recorded in the ''Parliamentary Papers, House of Commons'', volume 13, page 99:

  31. The silt is brought down and the strong tide of the Humber brings it up in very large quantities, so that the river the whole way through nearly is exceedingly thick. Added to that I may say that we suffer from warp to a tremendous extent.
  32. A throw or cast, as of fish (in which case it is used as a unit of measure: about four fish, though sometimes three or even two), oysters, etc.

  33. ''a warp of fish''

  34. To twist or become twisted, physically or mentally.

  35. To twist or turn (something) out of shape; to deform.

  36. (ux)

  37. (RQ:Wordsworth Coleridge Lyrical Ballads)

  38. (RQ:Tennyson Princess)

  39. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp) Resist not evil. It is an insane immolation of self—as bad intrinsically as fakirs stabbing themselves or anchorites warping their spines in caves scarcely large enough for a fair-sized dog.

  40. To become twisted out of shape; to deform.

  41. (RQ:Shakespeare As You Like It)

  42. (quote-book)

  43. To deflect or turn (something) away from a true, proper or moral course; to pervert; to bias.

  44. (RQ:Dryden Fables)

  45. (quote-web) Ultimately, it is likely to warp our politics, our culture, and the character of our society for years.

  46. (quote-web)

  47. To go astray or be deflected from a true, proper or moral course; to deviate.

  48. (RQ:Shakespeare Measure)

  49. To run (yarn) off the reel into hauls to be tarred.

  50. To arrange (strands of thread, etc) so that they run lengthwise in weaving.

  51. To plot; to fabricate or weave (a plot or scheme).

  52. To change or fix (make fixed, for example by freezing).

  53. To move:

  54. To move a vessel by hauling on a line or cable that is fastened to an anchor or pier; to move a sailing ship through a restricted place such as a harbour.

  55. (RQ:Stevenson Treasure Island)

  56. To move or be moved by this method.

  57. To fly with a bending or waving motion, like a flock of birds or insects.

  58. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  59. To travel or transport across a medium without passing through it normally, as by using a teleporter or warp.

  60. To forth (young) prematurely.

  61. (quote-book) An ewe that had warped her lamb very early might sometimes have another within the year.

  62. To fertilize (low-lying land) by letting the tide, a river, or other water in upon it to deposit silt and alluvial matter.

  63. To throw.

  64. (inflection of)

  65. (l) (gloss)

  66. (l) thread

  67. weft (gloss)

  68. cast of fish

  69. rope for hauling ships