
suomi-englanti sanakirja

woof englannista suomeksi

  1. kude

  1. kude

  2. kudos

  3. asettaa kude">asettaa kude

  4. hau, vuh

  5. huh

  6. haukunta

  7. haukunta, karjunta

  8. karjua

  9. haukahtaa, haukkua

  10. haukkua

  11. Verbi

woof englanniksi

  1. (senseid) The set of yarns carried by the shuttle of a loom which are placed crosswise at angles to and interlaced with the warp; the weft.

  2. (RQ:Tyndale Pentateuch) that cloth ſhalbe burnt, ether warpe or wolfe, whether it be wollen or lynen or any thynge that is made of ſkynne where the plage is, (..)

  3. (RQ:Plutarch Holland Morals) ''(w)'' vvas of this opinion, that the proper vvorke of every art and facultie, as vvell divine as humane, vvas rather the effect and thing by it vvrought, than that vvhereby it vvas effected; (..) for ſo I ſuppoſe that a vveaver vvill ſay, that his vvorke is to make a vveb for a mantle, a coat or ſuch a robe, and not to ſpoole, vvinde quils, lay his vvarpe, ſhoot oufe, or raiſe and let fall the vveights and ſtones hanging to the loome: (..)

  4. (RQ:Bacon Sylva Sylvarum) ''Paſsions'' of ''Matter'', are ''Plebeian Notions'', applied vnto the ''Inſtruments'' and ''Vſes'' vvhich Men ordinarily practiſe; But they are all but the ''Effects'' of ſome of theſe ''Cauſes'' follovving; (..) The Fourteenth is the ''Placing'', of the ''Tangible Parts'', in ''Length'', or ''Tranſuerſe''; (as it is in the ''VVarpe'', and the ''VVoofe'' of ''Textiles'';) (..)

  5. A woven fabric; also, the texture of a fabric.

  6. (RQ:Browne Hydriotaphia)'' the Godeſſe of that myſtery.

  7. (RQ:Homer Pope et al Odyssey)

  8. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Dodsley|Robert and es Dodsley|James Dodsley,(nb...)|year=1757|lines=600–602|page=77|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=h9YNAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA77|oclc=1264760560|passage=The purple ſtain on fleecy vvoofs he ſpread, / VVhich lur'd the eye, adorning many a nymph, / And drevv the pomp of trade to riſing Tyre.

  9. (RQ:Cowper Homer) Ulyſſes then in haſte / Put on his veſt and mantle, and, the nymph / Her ſnovvy veſture of tranſparent vvoof, / Graceful, redundant; (..)

  10. (RQ:Erasmus Darwin Temple of Nature)

  11. (RQ:Scott Don Roderick)|footer=A figurative use.

  12. (RQ:Bulwer-Lytton Alice)

  13. (RQ:Bulwer-Lytton Lucretia)

  14. (RQ:Bulwer-Lytton Miletus)

  15. The thread or yarn used to form the weft of woven fabric; the fill, the weft.

  16. (RQ:Milton Comus)

  17. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  18. (RQ:Haggard Nada)

  19. (synonym of)

  20. (RQ:Dryden Fables) / Againſt the promis'd Time provides vvith care, / And haſtens in the VVoof the Robes he vvas to vvear: / And for her Self employs another Loom, / Nevv-dreſs'd to meet her Lord returning home, / Flatt'ring her Heart vvith Joys that never vvere to come: (..)

  21. Something which is interwoven with another thing.

  22. (RQ:Braddon Mount Royal)

  23. An underlying foundation or structure of something; a fabric.

  24. (RQ:Nashe Saffron-Walden)

  25. (RQ:Gray Poems)

  26. (quote-book)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Samuel Colman|year=1838|page=71|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=_AETAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA71|oclc=32890552|passage=The fireside, then, is a seminary of infinite importance; it is important because it is universal, and because the education it bestows, being woven in with the woof of childhood, gives form and color to the whole texture of social life. There are few who can receive the honors of a college, but all are graduates of the hearth.

  27. (RQ:Eliot Romola)

  28. To place (yarns) crosswise at angles to and interlaced with the warp in a loom.

  29. (quote-book)|location=Edinburgh|publisher=Patrick Geddes and Colleagues(nb...)|year=1894|year_published=1896|page=252|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=bbLRAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA252|oclc=938416289|passage=And warp well the long threads, / The bright threads, the strong threads; / Woof well the cross threads, / To make the colours shine.

  30. (quote-book)|location=Washington, D.C.|publisher=Library of Congress|year=1936–1938|year_published=1941|volume=XIV (South Carolina Narratives), part 4|page=97|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/SouthCarolinaNarrativesVolumeXIVPart4-slavery/page/n100/mode/1up|oclc=1340439355|passage=After de yarn was spin, it was reeled off de spools into hanks and then took to de warper. Then she woofed it, warped it, and loomed it into cloth. Her make for yards in a day.

  31. To interweave (something) with another thing; to weave (several things) together.

  32. (quote-journal) Penelope Rose Eyres|title=An Odyssey of Fourteen Rivers|journal=Blackwood's Magazine|Blackwood’s Magazine|edition=American|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=The Leonard Scott Publication Co., Barr Ferree, proprietor(nb...)|month=July|year=1922|volume=CCXII|issue=MCCLXXXI|page=6|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/blackwoodsmag212edinuoft/page/6/mode/1up|column=2|oclc=1042815524|passage=Here and there, where the land has not been cleared and the tide of dense swamp-forest closes upon the road, one gazes into the fearful tangle of vegetation, warped and woofed together by lianas and creeping plants of every description, and then realises what the work of clearing has been.

  33. (quote-book)

  34. (non-gloss definition)

  35. (RQ:Haggard King Solomon's Mines)

  36. (quote-book)|year=1918|page=14|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/airmenowar00cabluoft/page/14/mode/1up|oclc=939905329|passage="''Woof''" came another anti-aircraft shell, and then in quick succession another and another, the last one dead ahead and with such correct elevation that, a second later, the machine flashed through the streaming black smoke of the burst.

  37. (quote-journal) Ricardo collie made the announcement in his usual manner—with suppressed exclamatory "''woofs''" that always sounded to Kimball like small explosions of canine emotion. And, also according to custom, Friday bear cub promptly grew inexpressibly interested and excited. Those "''woof''" noises always were interpreted by him as warnings of the approach of something whose status as friend or foe had not yet been determined. (..) Friday gave vent to a series of "''woofs''" in imitation of Ricardo (..)

  38. (quote-journal)

  39. (senseid) (non-gloss definition)

  40. The sound a dog makes when barking; a bark.

  41. A sound resembling a dog's bark; specifically , a low-frequency sound of bad quality produced by a loudspeaker.

  42. (quote-book)|year=1918|page=14|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/airmenowar00cabluoft/page/14/mode/1up|oclc=939905329|passage=He looked up and out a moment as there came to his ear, dully but unmistakably above the roar of the engine, the hoarse "''woof''" of a bursting anti-aircraft shell.

  43. (quote-book) A series of loud, low barks or woofs precede the long roar.

  44. To say (something) in an aggressive or boastful manner.

  45. (senseid) To eat (food) voraciously; to devour, to gobble, to wolf.

  46. (quote-book) Tom throws them over and the dog woofs them down.

  47. Of a dog: to bark.

  48. (RQ:Nabokov Lolita)

  49. (quote-book) The dog woofs, or rings a bell on a string, and we get up and open the door for them to go outside, and then to come back inside, to get in the car, to get out of the car, to go into buildings … It never stops.

  50. Of a person or thing: to make a sound resembling a dog's bark.

  51. (quote-journal)|date=8 November 1963|volume=55|issue=19|page=115|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=RVIEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA115|column=1|issn=0024-3019|oclc=34142982|passage=A few minutes later a new grizzly bear came out on the big log upstream— (..) Within seconds she knew something was wrong. She woofed, bounded off the log and came raging down toward us through the timber. There, not far away, she smashed back and forth, woofing and growling.

  52. (quote-book) a cub woofed after a lioness slapped it suddenly at a kill. Once a monitor lizard lashed its tail at the face of a lioness and she woofed as she jumped back.

  53. To speak in an aggressive or boastful manner.

  54. (quote-book) Generally, woofing takes two forms. It can be an insult game or a demonstration of intimidation. (..) Woofing builds esteem and identity, releases tension, and teaches self-control and verbal skill.|footer=(small)

  55. (rfv-sense) (acronym of)

  56. (alt form)

  57. (infl of)