
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fix englannista suomeksi

  1. leikata, steriloida

  2. kunnostaa

  3. lyödä lukkoon

  4. piikki, annos, huumausaineen käyttökerta

  5. valmistaa

  6. panna järjestykseen

  7. sopia, järjestää

  8. preparoida

  9. kunnostus, fiksaus

  10. panna

  11. kiinnittää

  12. ahdinko

  13. paikanmääritys

  14. päättää

  15. sopimus

  1. Verbi

  2. korjata

  3. kiinnittää

  4. valmistaa, tehdä

  5. sopia

  6. leikata

  7. Substantiivi

  8. korjaus, s slang

  9. pulma, dilemma

  10. huumausaineen käyttökerta">huumausaineen käyttökerta

fix englanniksi

  1. To pierce; now generally replaced by transfix.

  2. (Of a piercing look) to direct at someone.

  3. (ux)

  4. (RQ:Lindsay Redheap)

  5. To attach; to affix; to hold place or at a particular time.

  6. To focus or determine (oneself, on a concept); to fixate.

  7. To prevent enemy pawns from advancing by directly opposing the most advanced one with one of one's own pawns so as to threaten to capture any advancing pawns.

  8. To mend, to repair.

  9. To prepare (food or drink).

  10. {{quote-text|en|year=1945|author=Marianne Steiff Finton Meisel|title=Years Before the Flood|page=14

  11. (quote-book)|isbn=9781593765194|page=(gbooks)|passage=I fixed us drinks—orange juice with some vodka I'd gotten on sale—and washed a few dishes to get my mind off Jess and the fact of his not texting back.

  12. To make (a contest, vote, or gamble) unfair; to privilege one contestant or a particular group of contestants, usually before the contest begins; to arrange immunity for defendants by tampering with the justice system via bribery or extortion.Sutherland, Edwin H. (ed) (1937): The Professional Thief: by a Professional Thief. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. by various publishers in subsequent decades.

  13. To surgically render an animal, especially a pet, infertile.

  14. To map (a point or subset) to itself.

  15. To take revenge on, to best; to serve justice on an assumed miscreant.

  16. To render (a photographic impression) permanent by treating with such applications as will make it insensitive to the action of light.

  17. (senseid) To convert into a stable or available form.

  18. {{quote-text|en|year=1878|author=William de Wiveleslie Abney|title=A treatise on photography

  19. To become fixed; to settle or remain permanently; to cease from wandering; to rest.

  20. {{quote-text|en|year=1665|author=Edmund Waller|title=Upon Her Maiesties New Buildings at Somerset-House

  21. (RQ:Southey Thalaba)

  22. To become firm, so as to resist volatilization; to cease to flow or be fluid; to congeal; to become hard and malleable, as a metallic substance.

  23. (RQ:Bacon Sylva Sylvarum)

  24. (senseid) To shoot; to inject a drug.

  25. (RQ:William Burroughs Junkie)

  26. A repair or corrective action.

  27. (hypo)

  28. (quote-journal)

  29. A difficult situation; a quandary or dilemma; a predicament.

  30. (syn)

  31. (quote-book)

  32. (senseid) A single dose of a narcotic drug, especially when injected.

  33. (quote-song)

  34. (senseid) A prearrangement of the outcome of a supposedly competitive process, such as a sporting event, a game, an election, a trial, or a bid.

  35. An understanding, grasp of something.

  36. A determination of location.

  37. (senseid) fettlings (mixture used to line a furnace)

  38. fire

  39. fixed, not changing

  40. stationary

  41. pen, marker

  42. (infl of)

  43. (alternative spelling of)

  44. fixed (qualifier)

  45. (uxi)

  46. fixed, constant, stationary

  47. fixed, permanent

  48. definitely (qualifier)

  49. quick

  50. agile, nimble, skilled, smart

  51. fixed, steady

  52. immovable

  53. sure, certain

  54. a steady salary

  55. (inflection of)

  56. fixed

  57. fixed, inflexible, rigid

  58. ''en fix idé''

    a fixed idea

  59. a (l), a dose of an addictive drug