
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tirar englanniksi

  1. to (l) (gloss)

  2. (rfdef)

  3. to throw, cast

  4. to shoot, fire

  5. (coi)

  6. to take or go in a certain direction

  7. (uxi)

  8. to let a fluid pass through, a liquid or gas

  9. to have similarity or tendency to be alike

  10. (indtr) to discard; to destroy

  11. to tend to, to go in a given direction

  12. to remove; to off; to sack

  13. {{quote-book|gl|year=c. 1295|editor=R. Lorenzo|title=La traducción gallega de la Crónica General y de la Crónica de Castilla|location=Ourense|publisher=I.E.O.P.F|page=886

  14. {{quote-book|gl|year=1344|editor=M. González Garcés|title=Historia de La Coruña. Edad Media|location=A Coruña|publisher=Caixa Galicia|page=536

  15. (syn)

  16. to away

  17. {{quote-book|gl|year=1323|editor=E. Cal Pardo|title=Monasterio de San Salvador de Pedroso en tierras de Trasancos. Colección documental|location=A Coruña|publisher=Deputación Provincial|page=254

  18. {{quote-book|gl|year=1460|editor=J. A. Souto Cabo|title=Crónica de Santa María de Íria.|location=Santiago|publisher=Ediciós do Castro|page=117

  19. to extract, out

  20. 1335, M. Lucas Alvarez & M. J. Justo Martín (eds.), ''Fontes documentais da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Pergameos da serie Bens do Arquivo Histórico Universitario (Anos 1237-1537)''. Santiago: Consello da Cultura Galega, page 141:

  21. ''Eu Affonso Sanches notario de Santiago jurado esta nota fiz sacar et tirar da nota feyta per Aluar Eanes, notario''
    : I, Afonso Sánchez, sworn notary of Santiago, made this note copy and extract from the note made by Álvaro Eanes, notary
  22. to away; to away

  23. to pull, draw

  24. to look alike

  25. to throw, cast

  26. to down

  27. to shoot

  28. {{quote-text|gl|year=1370|editor=R. Lorenzo|title=Crónica troiana|page=384|publisher=Fundación Barrié|location=A Coruña

  29. to pull, draw, tug

  30. to draw

  31. (apocopic form of)

  32. to take, to retrieve

  33. to take, out, away

  34. (ux)

  35. to remove, withdraw

  36. to get, obtain (a score or document)

  37. to mock; ridicule

  38. to throw, to toss

  39. to out, to toss, to dump

  40. to shoot; to launch

  41. to take (a photograph)

  42. to print

  43. to skip (gloss)

  44. to knock over; to knock down

  45. to roll (dice)

  46. to fuck

  47. to move forward, to go

  48. to pull, to tug

  49. to shoot (gloss)

  50. to manage; to get by

  51. to attract, to appeal to

  52. to be somewhat

  53. to throw oneself

  54. to spend time, out

  55. to pull

  56. to blow (qualifier)