
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tug englannista suomeksi

  1. vetää, kiskoa

  2. proomu

  3. kiskaisu, nykäys, nykäisy

  4. panna vastaan

  5. hinata

  6. nykiä

  1. Verbi

  2. kiskaista, riuhtaista, nykäistä, raahata

  3. kiskoa, riuhtoa, nykiä

  4. hinata

  5. Substantiivi

  6. nykäys, nykäisy

  7. purunaru

tug englanniksi

  1. To pull or drag with great effort.

  2. (ux)

  3. To pull hard repeatedly.

  4. To tow by tugboat.

  5. To masturbate.

  6. A sudden powerful pull.

  7. (RQ:Dryden Aeneis)

  8. (quote-journal) slotted home 40 seconds after the break before (w) saw red for a tug on (w).

  9. A tugboat.

  10. (quote-journal)

  11. A kind of vehicle used for conveying timber and heavy articles.

  12. (quote-book)

  13. A trace, or drawing strap, of a harness.

  14. A dog toy consisting of a rope, often with a knot in it.

  15. An iron hook of a hoisting tub, to which a tackle is affixed.

  16. An act of male masturbation.

  17. train

  18. knee

  19. (inflection of)

  20. (infl of)

  21. to sleep

  22. (alternative form of)