
suomi-englanti sanakirja

far englannista suomeksi

  1. hyvin, liian, paljon

  2. oikeanpuoleinen

  3. pitkä

  4. etäällä, etäältä, kaukana, etäälle, kauas, kaukaa

  5. kaukainen, etäinen, kaukana oleva

  6. näin kauas, tiettyyn pisteeseen

  7. ääri-

  8. pitkälle

  1. kaukana, etäällä

  2. kaukana adverb, kauas adverb; to, kaukaa adverb; from; etäällä adverb, etäälle adverb; to, etäältä adverb; from; kaukainen adjective, etäinen adjective

  3. Substantiivi

  4. Verbi

far englanniksi

  1. FAR

  1. Distant; remote in space.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:King James Version)

  4. (quote-book)

  5. Remote in time.

  6. ''the far future''

  7. Long. (rfex)

  8. More remote of two.

  9. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)

  10. Extreme, as measured from some central or neutral position.

  11. Extreme, as a difference in nature or quality.

  12. Outside the currently selected segment in a segmented memory architecture.

  13. To, from or over a great distance in space, time or other extent.

  14. Very much; by a great amount.

  15. {{quote-web|en|date=May 5, 2012|author=Phil McNulty|work=BBC Sport

  16. To send far away.

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=1864|author=Elizabeth Gaskell|title=Cousin Phillis

  18. (senseid) Spelt (a type of wheat, (taxfmt)), especially in the context of Roman use of it.

  19. {{quote-text|en|year=1756|author=Aurelius Cornelius Celsus|title=Medicine: In Eight Books|page=108

  20. {{quote-text|en|year=1872|author=John Cordy Jeaffreson|title=Brides and Bridals|volume=1|page=201

  21. A litter of piglets; a farrow.

  22. lighthouse

  23. headlight

  24. fern

  25. (alt form)

  26. father, dad

  27. by

  28. ''La libro de Johano far Ŝekspiro''

    John's book by Shakespeare

    ''regado de la popolo, far la popolo, kaj por la popolo''

    government of the people, by the people, and for the people


  29. drive, ride, tour

  30. vessel

  31. trace, sign

  32. a traditional Breton cake

  33. buttock, posterior

  34. stern (ship)

  35. tail, rear (vehicle)

  36. passage, ride

  37. imprint, trace

  38. character, personality

  39. (apocopic form of)

  40. farro, a type of hulled wheat. (gloss)) but often mistranslated as spelt ((taxfmt)) https://www.jstor.org/stable/703297 Thompson, D'Arcy W. “Wheat in Antiquity.” The Classical Review, vol. 60, no. 3, 1946, pp. 120–122. JSTOR. Accessed 6 June 2021. Glinister, Fay “Festus and Ritual Foodstuffs.” Eruditio Antiqua 6 (2014), pp. 215-227.

  41. (Q)― Fay Glinister, “Festus and Ritual Foodstuffs” p. 220

  42. coarse meal; grits

  43. rat

  44. Y-shaped frame of a slingshot

  45. to overflow

  46. father

  47. (inflection of)

  48. trace, track

  49. (infl of)

  50. lighthouse

  51. a means of passage

  52. passage

  53. trace, print, track

  54. life, conduct, behaviour

  55. state, condition

  56. to do

  57. (circa), (w), canso:

  58. {{quote|pro|Dieus que fetz tot qunt ve ni vai / E formet sest'amor de lonh / Mi don poder ....
  59. sheep

  60. beacon

  61. car headlight

  62. to make

  63. where ''(relative/non-interrogative)''

  64. (down) from, off

  65. (uxi)

  66. (obsolete spelling of)

  67. (verb form of)

  68. fairway

  69. shadow

  70. to do, to make; to act, operate

  71. to study