
suomi-englanti sanakirja

imprint englannista suomeksi

  1. painopaikka

  2. painauma, painuma

  3. jälki

  4. syövyttää

  5. leima

  6. painaa

  1. jälki, painauma, painanne

  2. tunnus, merkki, logo

  3. painaa, jättää jälki">jättää jälki

imprint englanniksi

  1. An impression; the mark left behind by printing something.

  2. ''The day left an imprint in my mind.''

  3. (quote-journal) (London)|date=3 June 2017|url=

  4. The name and details of a publisher or printer, as printed in a book etc.; a publishing house.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. A distinctive marking, symbol or logo.

  7. ''The shirts bore the company imprint on the right sleeve.''

  8. To leave a print, impression, image, etc.

  9. (ux)

  10. (RQ:Locke Human Understanding)

  11. (RQ:Prior Poetical Works)

  12. (RQ:Cowper Poems)

  13. To learn something indelibly at a particular stage of life, such as who one's parents are.

  14. To mark a gene as being from a particular parent so that only one of the two copies of the gene is expressed.