


  1. leima

  2. postimerkki

  3. kuponki

Esimerkkejä stamp sanan käytöstä:

Do you have any 'stamps'? - Onko teillä postimerkkejä?

Liittyvät sanat: stamp duty



  1. leikkain, meisti, leimasin, symboli, merkki, leima, jälki, luokka, kategoria, ryhmä, laatu, laji, tyyppi.

Lisää synonyymejää







tallustaa An act of stamping the foot, paw or hoof.

The horse gave two quick stamps and rose up on its hind legs.

1922, (w), (w)
Just then there was a sound of footsteps, and the Boy ran past near them, and with a stamp of feet and a flash of white tails the two strange rabbits disappeared.
An indentation or imprint made by stamping.

My passport has quite a collection of stamps.

A device for stamping designs.

She loved to make designs with her collection of stamps.

A small piece of paper bearing a design on one side and adhesive on the other, used to decorate letters or craft work.

These stamps have a Christmas theme.

A small piece of paper, with a design and a face value, used to prepay postage stamp|postage or other costs such as tax or licence fees.

I need one first-class stamp to send this letter.

Now that commerce is done electronically, tax stamps are no longer issued here.

puhekieltä A tattoo
puhekieltä A single dose of lysergic acid diethylamide
puhekieltä To step quickly and heavily, once or repeatedly.

The toddler screamed and stamped, but still got no candy.

puhekieltä To move (the foot or feet) quickly and heavily, once or repeatedly.

The crowd cheered and stamped their feet in appreciation.

puhekieltä To strike, beat, or press forcibly with the bottom of the foot, or by thrusting the foot downward.
He frets, he fumes, he stares, he stamps the ground.


puhekieltä To mark by pressing quickly and heavily.

This machine stamps the metal cover with a design.

This machine stamps the design into the metal cover.

puhekieltä To give an official marking to, generally by impressing or imprinting a design or symbol.

The immigration officer stamped my passport.

puhekieltä To apply postage stamps to.

I forgot to stamp this letter.

puhekieltä To mark; to impress.
John Locke
God (..) has stamped no original characters on our minds wherein we may read his being.
(nl-verb form of)
(is-inflection of)


  • stamppaa: pantata

  • stamppi: panttilainakonttori

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