
suomi-englanti sanakirja

clip englannista suomeksi

  1. katkaista

  2. kerta

  3. kiinnittää yhteen liittimellä

  4. typistää

  5. leikkaaminen

  6. klipsi

  7. ravata, hölkätä

  8. patruunalipas, lipas

  9. solki

  10. läimäytys

  1. liittää, kiinnittää paperiliittimellä">kiinnittää paperiliittimellä

  2. nipistin, klipsi

  3. halaus, syleily

  4. patruunakampa, patruunaside, kampa

  5. saksia

  6. leike, klippi, videoleike

  7. Substantiivi

  8. Verbi

clip englanniksi

  1. To grip tightly.

  2. To fasten with a clip.

  3. (ux)

  4. To hug, embrace.

  5. (RQ:Shakespeare King John)

  6. (RQ:Cleland Fanny Hill)

  7. (RQ:Joyce Ulysses)

  8. To collect signatures, generally with the use of a clipboard.

  9. Something which clips or grasps; a device for attaching one object to another.

  10. An unspecified, but normally understood as rapid, speed or pace.

  11. An embrace.

  12. (RQ:Sidney Astrophel and Stella)

  13. A frame containing a number of rounds of ammunition which is intended to be inserted into an internal magazine of a firearm to allow for rapid reloading.

  14. A removable magazine of a firearm.

  15. A projecting flange on the upper edge of a horseshoe, turned up so as to embrace the lower part of the hoof; a clip or beak.

  16. 1831-1850, (w), ''On the Structure and the Diseases of the Horse''

  17. The heel - clips are two clips at the heels of the side bars , which correspond to the toe - clip ; the latter embracing the toe of the crust , whilst the former embrace its heels
  18. A gaff or hook for landing the fish, as in salmon fishing.

  19. To cut, especially with scissors or shears as opposed to a knife etc.

  20. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  21. To curtail; to cut short.

  22. (RQ:Shakespeare King Lear)

  23. (RQ:Swift English Tongue) of ''England'', have a different way of pronouncing, but even here in ''London'' they clip their Words after one Manner about the Court, another in the City, and a third in the Suburbs; and in a few Years, it is probable, will all differ from themſelves, as Fancy or Faſhion ſhall direct: All which, reduced to Writing, would entirely confound Orthography.

  24. To strike with the hand.

  25. To hit or strike, especially in passing.

  26. To perform an illegal tackle, throwing the body across the back of an opponent's leg or hitting him from the back below the waist while moving up from behind unless the opponent is a runner or the action is in close line play.

  27. To cut off a signal level at a certain maximum value.

  28. {{quote-text|en|year=2004|author=John Jackman|title=Lighting for Digital Video and Television|page=25

  29. To discard (an occluded part of a model or scene) rather than waste resources on rendering it.

  30. To move (through or into) (a rendered object or barrier).

  31. To assassinate; to off.

  32. (syn)

  33. (quote-av)|season=1|number=8|time=10:49|role=Michael Kinsella|actor=Charlie Cox|passage=It was after they tried to clip me at the cafe.

  34. To cheat, swindle, or fleece.

  35. to grab or take stealthily.

  36. To make a clip; to cut a section of video from a film, broadcast, or other longer video.

  37. To treat (an aneurysm) by closing it off with a physical clip.

  38. Something which has been clipped from a larger whole:

  39. The product of a single shearing of sheep.

  40. A season's crop of wool.

  41. (senseid) A section of video taken from a film, broadcast, or other longer video.

  42. (senseid) A short piece of audio (shortened version of (m), or alternatively (m)).

  43. A newspaper clipping.

  44. An act of clipping, such as a haircut.

  45. The condition of something, its state.

  46. A blow with the hand (often in the set phrase (m))

  47. clip

  48. hairclip

  49. video

  50. clip-on (earring)

  51. prick; tease, torment

  52. out|tire, out|wear, out

  53. (l)

  54. (l) (gl)

  55. (l) (gloss)

  56. (l) (gloss)

  57. (synonyms)