
suomi-englanti sanakirja

prick englannista suomeksi

  1. kirvellä

  2. kihelmöidä

  3. pistellä

  4. pistää

  5. kusipää, mulkku

  6. pistos

  7. olla höröllä

  1. nasta, piikki, oka

  2. pisto

  3. kyrpä, mulkku, kulli

  4. mulkku

  5. pistää

  6. Substantiivi

prick englanniksi

  1. A small hole or perforation, caused by piercing. (defdate)

  2. An indentation or small mark made with a pointed object. (defdate)

  3. A dot or other diacritical mark used in writing; a point. (defdate)

  4. A tiny particle; a small amount of something; a jot. (defdate)

  5. A small pointed object. (defdate)

  6. (RQ:Shakespeare King Lear)

  7. (RQ:KJV)

  8. The experience or feeling of being pierced or punctured by a small, sharp object. (defdate)

  9. (ux)

  10. A feeling of remorse.

  11. 1768–1777, (w), ''The Light of Nature Pursued''

  12. the pricks of conscience
  13. The penis. (defdate)

  14. (quote-journal)

  15. Someone (especially a man or boy) who is unpleasant, rude or annoying. (defdate)

  16. A small roll of yarn or tobacco. (defdate)

  17. The footprint of a hare.

  18. A point or mark on the dial, noting the hour.

  19. (RQ:Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet)

  20. The point on a target at which an archer aims; the mark; the pin.

  21. (RQ:Spenser Shepheardes Calender)

  22. To pierce or puncture slightly. (defdate)

  23. To drive a nail into (a horse's foot), so as to cause lameness.

  24. To shoot without killing.

  25. {{quote-text|en|year=1871|author=Robert Smith Surtees|title=Jorrocks's jaunts and jollities|page=48

  26. To form by piercing or puncturing.

  27. (RQ:Cowper Poems)

  28. To mark or denote by a puncture; to designate by pricking; to choose; to mark.

  29. c. 1620, (w), letter of advice to Sir (w)

  30. Some who are pricked for sheriffs.
  31. (RQ:Scott Quentin Durward)

  32. (RQ:Shakespeare Julius Caesar)

  33. To mark the surface of (something) with pricks or dots; especially, to trace a ship’s course on (a chart). (defdate)

  34. To run a middle seam through the cloth of a sail.

  35. To fix by the point; to attach or hang by puncturing.

  36. (RQ:Sandys Journey)

  37. (RQ:Newton Opticks)

  38. To be punctured; to suffer or feel a sharp pain, as by puncture.

  39. (RQ:Shakespeare Macbeth)

  40. To make or become sharp; to erect into a point; to raise, as something pointed; said especially of the ears of an animal, such as a horse or dog; and usually followed by ''up''.

  41. (RQ:Dryden Georgics)

  42. ''Usually in the form'' prick out: to plant (seeds or seedlings) in holes made in soil at regular intervals.

  43. (quote-journal) (Gardening)| date=6 July 2002| passage=Seed should be sown thinly and evenly to enable seedlings to be pricked out without disturbing those that have just emerged. If there is space, seedlings should be pricked out individually, either into small pots or module trays.

  44. To incite, stimulate, goad. (defdate)

  45. (RQ:Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona)

  46. To urge one's horse on; to ride quickly. (defdate)

  47. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  48. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  49. (RQ:Stevenson Virginibus Puerisque)

  50. To affect with sharp pain; to sting, as with remorse.

  51. (RQ:King James Version)

  52. (RQ:Tennyson Idylls) I was prick'd with some reproof, / As one that let foul wrong stagnate and be, / By having look'd too much thro' alien eyes, / And wrought too long with delegated hands, / Not used mine own: (..)

  53. (RQ:Buchan Watcher)

  54. To make acidic or pungent.

  55. (RQ:Butler Hudibras)

  56. To become sharp or acid; to turn sour, as wine.

  57. To aim at a point or mark.

  58. (RQ:Ascham Toxophilus)

  59. (RQ:Drayton Poly-Olbion)

  60. to dress or adorn; to prink.

  61. the dot, exactly, sharp

  62. with careful aim (in order to hit something)

  63. a dot, small spot

  64. (uxi)

  65. a mark, a stain (in a record of good behavior)

  66. a guy, person; especially about a particularly nice or funny one

  67. a floating seamark in the form of a painted pole, possibly with cones, lights and reflectors