
suomi-englanti sanakirja

embrace englannista suomeksi

  1. syleillä

  2. syleily

  3. hyväksyntä

  4. sisältää

  5. omaksua

  1. Verbi

  2. halata, syleillä

  3. omaksua

  4. Substantiivi

  5. halaus, syleily

embrace englanniksi

  1. To clasp (someone or each other) in the arms with affection; to take in the arms; to hug.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book)|chapter=Dogges of a Course Kind Seruing for Many Necessary Uses, Called in Latine ''Canes Rustici'', and First of the Shepherds Dogge, Called in Latine ''Canis Pastoralis''|translator=Abraham Fleming|title=Of Englishe Dogges, the Diuersities, the Names, the Natures, and the Properties.(nb...)|location=imprinted at London|publisher=By Charlewood for Rychard Johnes,(nb...)|year=1576|oclc=1121314616|location2=London|publisher2=Printed by A. Bradley,(nb...)|year2=1880|page2=31|pageurl2=https://books.google.com/books?id=ps00AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA31|oclc2=669210085|passage=There was no faynting faith in that Dogge, which when his Master by a mischaunce in hunting stumbled and fell toppling downe a deepe dytche beyng vnable to recouer of himselfe, the Dogge signifying his masters mishappe, reskue came, and he was hayled up by a rope, whom the Dogge seeying almost drawne up to the edge of the dytche, cheerefully saluted, leaping and skipping vpon his master as though he would haue imbraced hym, beying glad of his presence, whose longer absence he was lothe to lacke.

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-1 Q1)

  5. (RQ:King James Version)

  6. (RQ:Milton Divorce)

  7. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  8. (quote-book)|chapter=The Accusation of Man, and the Commendation and Praise of the Divine Mercy|translator=Floyd|title=The Meditations, Soliloquia, and Manual of the Glorious Doctor St. Augustine. Translated into English|location=London|publisher=Printed for Matthew Turner(nb...)|year=1686|page=6|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=3f7PvgYHf_MC&pg=PA6|oclc=221918224|passage=Thou doſt reduce me when I err; thou ſtayeſt for me when I am dull; thou imbraceſt me when I return; thou teacheſt me when I am ignorant; ...

  9. (RQ:Dickens Christmas Carol)

  10. (quote-book)

  11. To seize (something) eagerly or with alacrity; to accept or up with cordiality; to welcome.

  12. (ux)

  13. (quote-book)|series=English Reprints|seriesvolume=24|location=London|publisher=Arber; Muir & Paterson, printers,(nb...)|year=1557|year_published=15 August 1870|page=168|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=K7QUAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA168|oclc=1083021568|passage=The louer refused of his loue imbraceth death. title

  14. (RQ:Shakespeare Merchant of Venice Q1)

  15. (RQ:Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress)

  16. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed by W. B. for Augustus and John Churchill(nb...)|year=a. 1705|year_published=1706|section=§34|page=105|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=o0EVAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA105|oclc=1103142418|passage=If a Man can be perſuaded and fully aſſur'd of any thing for a Truth, without having examin'd, what is there that he may not imbrace for Truth; and if he has given himſelf up to believe a Lye, what means is there left to recover one who can be aſſur'd without examining.

  17. (RQ:Scott Ivanhoe)

  18. (RQ:Baldwin Mountain)

  19. To submit to; to undergo.

  20. (quote-journal)

  21. To encircle; to enclose, to encompass.

  22. (quote-book)|edition=4th|location=Printed by T. W. for Herringman|Henry Herringman and sold by (w)(nb...), and Thomas Bennet(nb...)|year=1642|year_published=1703|page=14|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=jVdeAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA14|oclc=740856761|passage=Low at his foot a ſpacious Plain is plac't, / Between the Mountain and the Stream embrac't: / Which ſhade and ſhelter from the Hill derives, / While the kind River ''Wealth'' and ''Beauty'' gives; ...

  23. (RQ:Robert Byron Road to Oxiana)

  24. To enfold, to include (ideas, principles, etc.); to encompass.

  25. (RQ:Dryden Virgil)|page=73|lines=59–60|passage=Not that my ſong, in ſuch a ſcanty ſpace, / So large a Subject fully can embrace: ...

  26. (RQ:Heinlein Stranger)

  27. To fasten on, as armour.

  28. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  29. To accept (someone) as a friend; to accept (someone's) help gladly.

  30. (RQ:Shakespeare Coriolanus)

  31. To attempt to influence (a court, jury, etc.) corruptly; to practise embracery.

  32. (RQ:Blackstone Commentaries)

  33. An act of putting arms around someone and bringing the person close to the chest; a hug.

  34. (RQ:Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet Q1-2)

  35. (RQ:Beaumont Fletcher Comedies and Tragedies)

  36. (RQ:Austen Northanger Abbey)

  37. (RQ:Tennyson In Memoriam) And tears are on the mother’s face,⁠As parting with a long embraceShe enters other realms of love; (..)

  38. (RQ:Chambers Younger Set)

  39. An enclosure partially or fully surrounding someone or something.

  40. (RQ:Harte Flip)

  41. (RQ:Wells Island of Doctor Moreau)

  42. Full acceptance (of something).

  43. (RQ:Faulkner Light in August)

  44. An act of enfolding or including.

  45. (RQ:Tagore Sadhana)

  46. (es-verb form of)