
suomi-englanti sanakirja

term englannista suomeksi

  1. aika, ajanjakso

  2. täysiaikaisuus

  3. termi

  4. ehto

  5. rajakivi

  6. määritellä

  7. lausekkeen jäsen

  1. ehto

  2. termi

  3. suhde, välit (monikko)

  4. lukukausi

  5. kausi

  6. toimikausi

  7. Substantiivi

term englanniksi

  1. (senseid) That which limits the extent of anything; limit, extremity, bound, boundary, (l).

  2. (RQ:Bacon Sylva Sylvarum)

  3. (RQ:Shelley Poetical Works)

  4. (ux)

  5. (senseid) A chronological limitation or restriction, a limited timespan.

  6. (senseid) Any of the binding conditions or promises in a legal contract.

  7. (senseid) Specifically, the conditions in a legal contract that specify the (l) and also how and when (l) must be made.

  8. (ux)''.

  9. 1793 May 17, John Constable and James Piper, advertisement for a packet-boat between Chestertown and Baltimore, Chestertown, Maryland, :File:Packet_Schooner.jpg:

  10. The Cabin is large and commodious, well calculated for the Accommodation of Paſengers. Merchandiſe, Produce, &c. carried on the loweſt Terms.
  11. (senseid) A point, line, or superficies that limits.

  12. (senseid) A word or phrase (e.g., phrase, phrase, compound), especially one from a specialised area of knowledge; a name for a concept.

  13. (senseid) Relations among people.

  14. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)Next day she(..)tried to recover her ward by the hair of the head. Then, thwarted, the wretched creature went to the police for help; she was versed in the law, and had perhaps spared no pains to keep on good terms with the local constabulary.

  15. (senseid) Part of a year, especially one of the divisions of an year.

  16. (senseid) Duration of officeholding, or its limit; period in office of fixed length.

  17. (quote-journal)

  18. The time during which legal courts are open.

  19. Certain days on which rent is paid.

  20. (senseid) With respect to a pregnancy, the period during which birth usually happens (approximately 40 weeks from conception).

  21. (coi)

  22. (senseid) The maximum period during which the patent can be maintained into force.

  23. (senseid) A menstrual period.

  24. {{quote-text|en|year=1660|author=Samuel Pepys|title=Diary

  25. (senseid) Any value (variable or constant) or expression separated from another term by a space or an appropriate character, in an overall expression or table.

  26. (senseid) The subject or the predicate of a proposition; one of the three component parts of a syllogism, each one of which is used twice.

  27. {{RQ:Hamilton Metaphysics and Logic

  28. (senseid) An dignity in which unequal segments of every astrological sign have internal rulerships which affect the power and integrity of each planet in a chart.

  29. (senseid) A statue of the upper body, sometimes without the arms, ending in a pillar or pedestal. (defdate)

  30. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  31. {{quote-book|en|year=1773|author=Joshua Reynolds|editors=John Ingamells; John Edgcumbe|title=The Letters of Sir Joshua Reynolds|publisher=Yale|year_published=2000|page=42

  32. (senseid) A piece of carved work placed under each end of the taffrail.

  33. To phrase a certain way; to name or call.

  34. (quote-book)

  35. {{quote-journal|en|year=2013|month=September-October|author=Henry Petroski

  36. Born or delivered at term.

  37. A computer program that emulates a physical terminal.

  38. To terminate one's employment

  39. One whose employment has been terminated

  40. foundation, plot of land

  41. (l) (gl)

  42. to terminate

  43. to have one's study be terminated

  44. (l); A word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge

  45. (l); One of the addends in a sum

  46. (l):

  47. a word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge.

  48. (syn)

  49. the subject or the predicate of a proposition; one of the three component parts of a syllogism, each one of which is used twice.

  50. duration of a set length; period in office of fixed length.

  51. part of a year, especially one of the three parts of an academic year.

  52. a (l) (q)

  53. a (l)(R:Rikstermbanken) (a well-defined word or phrase, in a terminology)

  54. a term(R:Rikstermbanken) (an operand in addition or subtraction)

  55. (inflection of) (a facility for bathing in ancient Rome)