
suomi-englanti sanakirja

birth englannista suomeksi

  1. synnytys

  2. syntymä

  3. syntyperä, sukujuuri

  4. synnyttää

  5. synnyttäminen

  6. alku, synty

  1. synnyttäminen, lisääntyminen

  2. syntymä

  3. alku, syntymä

  4. syntyperä, suku, sukujuuri

  5. synnyttää

birth englanniksi

  1. The process of childbearing; the beginning of life; the emergence of a human baby or other viviparous animal offspring from the mother's body into the environment.

  2. An instance of childbirth.

  3. (ux)

  4. A beginning or start; a point of origin.

  5. The circumstances of one's background, ancestry, or upbringing.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. {{quote-text|en|year=1861|author=Anthony Trollope|title=Framley Parsonage

  8. That which is born.

  9. (misspelling of)

  10. (quote-book)&93;|chapter=VII|title=Mansfield Park|volume=III|edition=2nd|location=London|publisher=(...) Murray (publishing house)|John Murray,(nb...)|year=1816|page=151|pageurl=|passage=“(...) She lays close to the Endymion, between her and the Cleopatra, just to the eastward of the sheer hulk.” “Ha!” cried William, “''that''’''s'' just where I should have put her myself. It’s the best birth at Spithead.(nb..)

  11. A familial relationship established by childbirth.

  12. ''Her birth father left when she was a baby; she was raised by her mother and stepfather.''

  13. To bear or birth to (a child).

  14. (quote-av)

  15. (quote-video game) down in the cargo hold?Shepard: Not a baby. He's a full-grown super soldier ready for combat.Kelly: Please be careful if you decide to... err... birth him? His personality is completely unknown.

  16. (quote-journal)

  17. To produce, rise to.

  18. pimple, blemish

  19. son, boy