
suomi-englanti sanakirja

force englannista suomeksi

  1. pakottaa

  2. joukko

  3. vetäistä

  4. painaa

  5. voimassaolo

  6. voima

  7. työntyä, tunkeutua

  8. vallata äkkirynnäköllä

  9. väkivalta

  10. polttaminen

  1. voima, tarmo, archaic väki

  2. voima, voimakeinot (monikko) , pakko, pakottaminen, pakkokeinot (monikko)

  3. voima

  4. voimat (monikko) , joukot (monikko)

  5. valta, voima

  6. voima, voimassaolo

  7. pakko, pakottaminen, voimakeinot (monikko) , voimankäyttö, pakkokeinot (monikko)

  8. tehdä kaikkensa">tehdä kaikkensa

  9. pakottaa

  10. murtaa, avata väkisin">avata väkisin

  11. ottaa väkisin">ottaa väkisin

  12. polttaa

  13. Substantiivi

  14. Verbi

force englanniksi

  1. Strength or energy of body or mind; active power; vigour; might; capacity of exercising an influence or producing an effect.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  4. Power exerted against will or consent; compulsory power; violence; coercion.

  5. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-2)

  6. Anything that is able to make a substantial change in a person or thing.

  7. A physical quantity that denotes ability to push, pull, twist or accelerate a body and which has a direction and is measured in a unit dimensioned in mass × distance/time² (ML/T²): SI: newton (N); CGS: dyne (dyn)

  8. Something or anything that has the power to produce a physical effect upon something else, such as causing it to move or change shape.

  9. (quote-journal)

  10. A group that aims to attack, control, or constrain.

  11. (RQ:Shakespeare Cymbeline)

  12. (RQ:Hough Purchase Price)."

  13. {{quote-journal|en|date=April 15, 2004|work=The Scotsman

  14. (senseid) The ability to attack, control, or constrain.

  15. A magic trick in which the outcome is known to the magician beforehand, especially one involving the apparent free choice of a card by another person.

  16. Legal validity.

  17. Either unlawful violence, as in a "forced entry", or lawful compulsion.

  18. Ability of an utterance or its element (word, form, prosody, ...) to effect a given meaning.

  19. (quote-book)

  20. |often|capitalized(topics) A metaphysical and ubiquitous power from the fictional ''(w)'' universe created by (w). (n-g) (defdate)

  21. (quote-av)|writer=George Lucas|year=2005|year_published=2005|text=The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

  22. (synonym of)

  23. {{quote-book|en|year=1880|title=U.S. House documents|page=64

  24. 1992, (w) (band), ''(w)'':

  25. Some of those that work forces / Are the same that burn crosses
  26. {{quote-book|en|date=2012-02-01|author=Janice Kay Johnson|title=Between Love and Duty|publisher=Harlequin|isbn=9781459221086|page=77

  27. To violate (a woman); to rape. (defdate)

  28. (RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr)

  29. (RQ:Montaigne Florio Essayes).

  30. To exert oneself, to do one's utmost. (defdate)

  31. (RQ:Malory Le Morte Darthur)

  32. To make someone or something do something, often regardless of their will. (defdate)

  33. (RQ:Hough Purchase Price)felt a curious sensation of helplessness seize upon him as he met her steady gaze,(nb..); he could not tell what this prisoner might do. He cursed the fate which had assigned such a duty, cursed especially that fate which forced a gallant soldier to meet so superb a woman as this under handicap so hard.

  34. {{quote-journal|en|date=23 March 2011|author=Tim Webb; Fiona Harvey|journal=The Guardian

  35. To constrain by force; to overcome the limitations or resistance of. (defdate)

  36. (RQ:Montaigne Florio Essayes)

  37. To drive (something) by force, to propel (generally + prepositional phrase or adverb). (defdate)

  38. (RQ:Dryden Aeneis)

  39. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-3)

  40. {{RQ:Fuller Church History

  41. {{quote-journal|en|date=4 November 2007|journal=The Guardian

  42. To cause to occur (despite inertia, resistance etc.); to produce through force. (defdate)

  43. To forcibly open (a door, lock etc.). (defdate)

  44. To obtain or win by strength; to take by violence or struggle; specifically, to capture by assault; to storm, as a fortress.

  45. To create an out by touching a base in advance of a runner who has no base to return to while in possession of a ball which has already touched the ground.

  46. To compel (an adversary or partner) to trump a trick by leading a suit that he/she does not hold.

  47. To put in force; to cause to be executed; to make binding; to enforce.

  48. (RQ:Webster Malfi)

  49. To provide with forces; to reinforce; to strengthen by soldiers; to man; to garrison.

  50. (RQ:Shakespeare Macbeth)

  51. To allow the force of; to value; to care for.

  52. (RQ:Shakespeare Lucrece)

  53. To grow (rhubarb) in the dark, causing it to grow early.

  54. A waterfall or cascade.

  55. (quote-text)|title=A Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire

  56. To stuff; to lard; to farce.

  57. (RQ:Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida)

  58. (l)

  59. strength

  60. (cot)

  61. Many; a lot of; a great quantity of

  62. (inflection of)

  63. (gl-verb form of)

  64. (gl-reinteg-verb form of)

  65. (l) (physical effort; physical might)

  66. strength; might

  67. (pt-verb form of)