
suomi-englanti sanakirja

salvo englannista suomeksi

  1. purkaus

  2. yhteislaukaus

  1. yhteislaukaus, salvo

  2. tulitus

  3. yhteislaukaus

  4. Substantiivi

  5. Verbi

salvo englanniksi

  1. An exception; a reservation; an excuse.

  2. 1649, (w) (attributed), ''(w)''

  3. They admit (..)salvos, cautions, and reservations.
  4. A concentrated fire from pieces of artillery, as in endeavoring to make a break in a fortification; a volley.

  5. A salute paid by a simultaneous, or nearly simultaneous, firing of a number of cannon.

  6. (RQ:Scott Abbot)

  7. Any volley, as in an argument or debate.

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. The combined cheers of a crowd.

  10. To discharge weapons in a salvo.

  11. safe, secure

  12. 1320–1330, ''of the Consulate of the Sea|Llibre del Consolat de Mar'', CCLXIII

  13. (quote)
  14. (ca-verb form of)

  15. (l), volley, a series of shots

  16. safe

  17. except

  18. (syn)

  19. (gl-verb form of)

  20. rescue

  21. salvation

  22. safe, out of danger, saved, secure from

  23. safe, whole, intact, undamaged

  24. except, but, save

  25. except that; save that, unless, if... not

  26. (inflection of)

  27. to save (make safe or healthy)

  28. a. 430, Augustinus, ''Sermo XVII''

  29. {{quote|la|Non enim amat Deus damnare sed salvare.
  30. (past participle of), "saved"

  31. (pt-verb form of); "I save"

  32. except, from

  33. (ux)

  34. (es-verb form of)

  35. A barrage of artillery fire, volley, salvo.

  36. A concentrated series of attacks.

  37. grain bin

  38. casing (gloss)

  39. notched joint