
suomi-englanti sanakirja

argument englannista suomeksi

  1. argumentti, todiste

  2. peruste

  3. väittely, riita

  4. pääsisällys

  5. mielipiteiden vaihto

  1. argumentti, perustelu, syy

  2. kiista, kiistely, kina, kinastelu, riita, sanasota, väittely

  3. väittely, perustelu

  4. argumentti

  5. aihe

  6. Substantiivi

argument englanniksi

  1. A fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (RQ:Ray Wisdom)

  4. (RQ:Melville Moby-Dick), the whale so caught belongs to the King and Queen, “because of its superior excellence.” And by the soundest commentators this has ever been held a cogent argument in such matters.

  5. A series of propositions organized so that the final proposition is a conclusion which is intended to follow logically from the preceding propositions, which function as premises.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. (quote-web).

  8. A process of reasoning; argumentation.

  9. (RQ:Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress)

  10. (RQ:Locke Human Understanding)

  11. (RQ:Mary Shelley Frankenstein)

  12. (quote-journal)

  13. An abstract or summary of the content of a literary work such as a book, a poem or a major section such as a chapter, included in the work before the content itself; the contents themselves.

  14. (RQ:Shakespeare Timon of Athens)

  15. A verbal dispute; a quarrel.

  16. (ux)

  17. (RQ:Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost Q1). True, and I for a Plantan, thus came your argument in, Then the boyes fat ''Lenuoy'', the Gooſe that you bought, and he ended the market.

  18. (RQ:Milton Paradise Regained)

  19. Any dispute, altercation, or collision.

  20. (senseid) Any of the phrases that bears a syntactic connection to the verb of a clause.

  21. The independent variable of a function.

  22. The phase of a number.

  23. A quantity on which the calculation of another quantity depends.

  24. A value, or a reference to a value, passed to a function.

  25. A parameter at a function call; an parameter, as opposed to a parameter.

  26. A matter question; a business hand.

  27. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 2 Q1)

  28. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 5)

  29. The matter of an artistic representation, discourse, or writing; a theme or topic.

  30. (RQ:Ascham Scholemaster)

  31. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet Q1-2)

  32. (RQ:Shakespeare Sonnets)

  33. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)'' haſting on / With furious expedition; (..)

  34. (quote-book). 8vo. pp. 440. Murray, London: 1822. review|title=Contributions to the Edinburgh Review.(nb...)|edition=2nd|location=London|publisher=(...) &91;(w)&93; for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans,(nb...)|year=1844|volume=II|section=part III (Poetry)|page=357|pageurl=|oclc=612122|passage=The abstract, or argument of the piece, is shortly as follows.|footer=(small)'' (February 1822), volume XXXVI, issue LXXII, pages 413–452.

  35. Evidence, proof; an item of such evidence or proof.

  36. (RQ:Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing Q)

  37. To forward as an argument; to argue.

  38. (RQ:Topsell Foure-footed Beastes)'' and other auncient writers, it is ſafer to call theſe elephants' tusks teeth, then hornes; and I will breefly ſet downe the reaſons of ''Philoſtratus'', that will haue them to be teeth, and afterward of ''Grapaldus'' ''i.e.'', Francesco Mario Grapaldi, ''Aelianus|Aelianus'', and ''(geographer)|Pauſanias'', that would make them horns, and ſo leaue the reader to conſider whether opinion he thinketh moſt agreeable to truth. (..) Thus they argument for the horns of Elephants.

  39. (quote-book)|title=A Dispvte against the English-Popish Ceremonies Obtrvded vpon the Chvrch of Scotland.(nb...)|location=Leiden|publisher=[(...) W. Christiaens]|year=1637|section=3rd part (Against the Lavvfulnesse of the Ceremonies), section 15|page=29|pageurl=|oclc=607621290|passage=Both kneeling, and all the reſt of the Popiſh Ceremonies, may well be compared to the Brazen Serpent. (..)'' I. Rainoldes'' ''i.e.'', (w) argumenteth, from ''(w)'' his breaking downe of the Brazen Serpent, to the plucking downe of the ſigne of the Croſſe.

  40. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Tonson|Jacob and Richard Tonson(nb...)|year=1762|oclc=316421816|passage=(..) And George Granville, 1st Baron Lansdowne|Lord ''Lanſdown'', in his Preface to the ''Britiſh Enchanters'', exclaims againſt that Species of Dramatic Dialogue, which (inſtead of being free, natural, and eaſy, as Converſation ſhould be) is preciſe, or formal, argumenting ''pro'' and ''con'', like Diſputants in a School; (..)

  41. (quote-book)|year=a. 1848|year_published=1851|page=416|pageurl=|oclc=798259252|passage=But, can this be alleged of him who has oft been heard to speak of faith and of works together—and who, after argumenting the utter worthlessness of the latter, has confined most rigidly to the former all of power and of efficacy that there is in the business of salvation?

  42. (RQ:Twain Innocents Abroad). (..) And the first thing that occurred was the infliction on us of a placard fairly reeking with wretched English. (..) And then (w) is described as "argumenting in a threatening and angrily condition at (w)."

  43. (quote-book)|series=Technology and Informatics|seriesvolume=9|location=Amsterdam; Oxford, Oxfordshire|publisher=IOS Press|year=1993|page=211|pageurl=|isbn=978-90-5199-131-4|issn=0926-9630|passage=It may be argumented that many elderly persons stay at home and do not even try to use a ticket machine.

  44. To adduce evidence, to provide proof.

  45. (quote-book)|chapter=5|chapterurl=|title=Ane Compendius Tractiue Conforme to the Scripturis of Almychtie God, Ressoun, and Authoritie,(nb...)|location=Edinburgh|publisher=Scot|year=1558|section=signature C.ii.|oclc=1049058313|passage=Albeit that it apperteneth to the apoſtolis, be the puiſtoun of God to tak ordour in all materis off debait cõcernyng ye faith, & ſpecialie to iterprete ye ſcripturis, as yat quhilkis had y&868; ſpreit of god, & wer y&868; trew kirk: It argumẽtis argumentis not yat vtheris, quha hes ꝯuenit conuenit ſenſyne in generale ꝯſales consales had the ſpreit of GOD, or wer the trew kirk: (..)

  46. (l) (reason)

  47. (l)

  48. plot, storyline

  49. (l) (gloss)

  50. (l)

  51. An (l) (gloss).

  52. A series of propositions, intended so that the conclusion follows logically from the premises.

  53. An (l) (gloss).

  54. A decision.

  55. A matter, theme or topic.

  56. A quarrel, a dispute, an argument.

  57. argument

  58. argument of a verb, phrase syntactically connected to a verb (object and subject)

  59. argument

  60. point, (l) (gl)

  61. (l) (fact or statement used to support a proposition)

  62. an (l) supporting a stance

  63. an argument; an independent variable passed to a function

  64. an argument; a variable passed to a function