
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fact englannista suomeksi

  1. tosiasia

  2. tieto

  3. fakta

  4. todellisuus

  1. Substantiivi

  2. tosiasia, fakta, tosio

  3. tieto, tosiasia, fakta, tosio

fact englanniksi

  1. Something actual as opposed to invented.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Travers Cuckoo in the Nest)considered that the exclusiveness of Peter's circle was due not to its distinction, but to the fact that it was an inner Babylon of prodigality and whoredom, from which every Kensingtonian held aloof, except on the conventional tip-and-run excursions in pursuit of shopping, tea and theatres.

  4. Something which is real.

  5. ''Gravity is a fact, not a theory.''

  6. Something concrete used as a basis for further interpretation.

  7. An objective consensus on a fundamental reality that has been agreed upon by a substantial number of experts.

  8. Information about a particular subject, especially actual conditions and/or circumstances.

  9. ''Addition facts include 2 + 2 = 4 and 3 + 4 = 7.''

  10. An individual value or measurement at the lowest level of granularity in a warehouse.

  11. Action; the realm of action.

  12. (quote-book)was(..)overthrown and slain at Bosworth Field; there succeeded in the kingdom(..)Henry the Seventh.|page=1

  13. A wrongful or criminal deed.

  14. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  15. (RQ:Shakespeare Measure)

  16. (quote-book)

  17. A (l) or meritorious deed.

  18. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  19. (n-g)