
suomi-englanti sanakirja

objective englannista suomeksi

  1. puolueeton

  2. objektiivinen

  3. objektiivi

  4. objekti-

  5. päämäärä

  1. materiaalinen, esineellinen

  2. objektiivinen, hyväksytty, puolueeton

  3. objektiivinen, totuudenmukainen, tosi, todellinen

  4. objektiivinen

  5. Substantiivi

  6. esine, kappale

  7. tavoite, päämäärä

  8. objektiivi

  9. objektiivi, linssi

objective englanniksi

  1. Of or relating to a material object, actual existence or reality.

  2. Not influenced by the strong emotions or prejudices.

  3. Based on observed facts; without purely subjective assessment.

  4. (quote-book)

  5. (quote-journal)

  6. Of, or relating to a noun or pronoun used as the object of a verb.

  7. (RQ:Mencken American Language)

  8. (senseid) Of, or relating to verbal conjugation that indicates the object (patient) of an action. (gloss)

  9. {{quote-book|en|year=2014|author=Irina Nikolaeva|title=A Grammar of Tundra Nenets|location=Berlin, Boston|publisher=De Gruyter|isbn=978-3-11-032047-3

  10. A material object that physically exists.

  11. A goal that is striven for.

  12. (RQ:Shaw Pygmalion)'s true objective was the provision of a full, accurate, legible script for our noble but ill-dressed language; but he was led past that by his contempt for the popular Pitman system of Shorthand, which he called the Pitfall system.

  13. The objective case.

  14. (synonyms)

  15. a noun or pronoun in the objective case.

  16. The lens or lenses of a camera, microscope, or other optical device closest to the object being examined.

  17. (feminine singular of)

  18. (inflection of)