
suomi-englanti sanakirja

material englannista suomeksi

  1. aineellinen

  2. materiaali

  3. raaka-aine, tarvikkeet

  4. merkittävä, olennainen

  5. aine

  6. aines

  7. aineisto

  1. materiaalinen, aineellinen

  2. maallinen, materiaalinen

  3. merkittävä, olennainen

  4. Substantiivi

  5. materiaali, raaka-aine

  6. aineisto

  7. kangas

  8. aines

  9. aine, aines

  10. Verbi

material englanniksi

  1. Having to do with matter; consisting of matter.

  2. (ux)

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=1913|author=s:Alfred Bowyer Sharpe|title=s:Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Evil

  4. (cap), as opposed to spiritual.

  5. (ant)

  6. (quote-song) and Robert Rans|authorlabel=no|title=(w)|album=(w)|year=1984|artist=Madonna|url=|text='Cause we are living in a material world / And I am a material girl / You know that we are living in a material world / And I am a material girl

  7. (cap).

  8. (RQ:Evelyn Diary)

  9. (RQ:Locke Human Understanding)

  10. (senseid)Matter which may be shaped or manipulated, particularly in making something.

  11. (quote-book) |year=1820|volume=20|publisher=Archibald Constable and Company|location=Edinburgh|edition=6th|url= |passage= In trumpets for assisting the hearing, all reverbation of the trumpet must be avoided. It must be made thick, of the least elastic materials, and covered with cloth externally. For all reverbation lasts for a short time, and produces new sounds which mix with those which are coming in.

  12. (quote-journal)

  13. (senseid)Text written for a specific purpose.

  14. (senseid)A sample or specimens for study.

  15. (RQ:Schuster Hepaticae)

  16. (senseid)Cloth to be made into a garment. Fabric.

  17. (RQ:Christie Autobiography)

  18. (senseid) A person, or people collectively, who are qualified for a certain position or activity.

  19. (senseid) Related data of various kinds, especially if collected as the basis for a document or book.

  20. The substance that something is made or composed of.

  21. An element of a language associated with a certain style of rendering on the display.

  22. All of a player's pieces and pawns on the chessboard.

  23. To form from matter; to materialize.

  24. (RQ:Browne Religio Medici)

  25. (l) (rfclarify)

  26. material

  27. (l)

  28. (l): matter which may be shaped or manipulated, particularly in making something.

  29. Extant in matter or having physical form; (l).

  30. Not supernatural or spiritual; regular, conventional, worldly.

  31. Being the physical attributes or properties of a thing.

  32. Affecting or modifying physical matter or attributes.

  33. Prominent, significant.

  34. (alternative form of)

  35. (l); stuff (gloss)

  36. (l) (gloss)

  37. footage (gloss)

  38. resources used in class

  39. tackle; supplies; gear; rig (gloss)

  40. (uxi)

  41. (l) (gloss)

  42. (l); worldly (gloss)

  43. (syn)

  44. materialistic; consumeristic (gloss)

  45. a (l)

  46. a matter, a subject (of study)