
suomi-englanti sanakirja

volley englannista suomeksi

  1. lentolyönti

  2. tulitus

  3. potkaista ilmasta

  4. tulittaa

  5. lyödä lentolyönti

  6. ryöpsäyttää

  7. hajaantua

  1. Substantiivi

  2. yhteislaukaus

  3. tulva, syöksy

  4. ilmalento

  5. lentolyönti

  6. Verbi

  7. ampua yhteislaukaus">ampua yhteislaukaus

  8. lyödä lentolyönti">lyödä lentolyönti, lyödä ilmasta">lyödä ilmasta in tennis and other racquet and club games

volley englanniksi

  1. The simultaneous firing of a number of missiles or bullets; the projectiles so fired.

  2. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  3. (RQ:Byron Childe Harold)

  4. (quote-book)

  5. A burst or emission of many things at once.

  6. (ux)

  7. {{RQ:Jonson Staple of News

  8. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=John Valpy|Abraham John Valpy,(nb...)|year=1835|volume=I|page=56|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=a3cBAAAAQAAJ&pg=PR56|oclc=2314158|passage=A whole volley of furious criticism was poured on the author &91;(w)&93; by those enemies whom his contempt had created, and his honest pride had justly disdained to propitiate.

  9. The flight of a ball just before it bounces.

  10. A shot in which the ball is played before it hits the ground.

  11. (quote-journal)

  12. A sending of the ball full to the top of the wicket.

  13. To fire a volley of shots

  14. To hit the ball before it touches the ground

  15. To be fired in a volley

  16. To make a volley

  17. To sound together

  18. volleyball

  19. (syn)

  20. volleyball