
suomi-englanti sanakirja

hay englannista suomeksi

  1. tehdä heinää

  2. heinä

  1. heinä

  2. tehdä heinää">tehdä heinää

  3. Verbi

hay englanniksi

  1. Grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder.

  2. {{RQ:Camden Remaines

  3. (quote-text)

  4. Any mix of green leafy plants used for fodder.

  5. Cannabis; marijuana.

  6. 1947, William Burroughs, letter, 19 Feb 1947:

  7. I would like some of that hay. Enclose $20.
  8. (quote-song)

  9. A net set around the haunt of an animal, especially a rabbit.

  10. To cut grasses or herb plants for use as animal fodder.

  11. To lay snares for rabbits.

  12. A hedge.

  13. A net placed around the lair or burrow of an animal.

  14. An enclosure, haw.

  15. A circular dance.

  16. (RQ:Marlowe Edward 2)

  17. (RQ:Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost)

  18. The letter for the ''h'' sound in shorthand.

  19. to know

  20. truly!, indeed!

  21. possible

  22. known

  23. burning

  24. exposed, bare

  25. an insect which damages rice crops

  26. (alt form)

  27. (inflection of)

  28. there is, there are

  29. {{quote-book|gl|year=1370|editor=Ramón Lorenzo|title=Crónica Troiana|page=533

  30. to hold, have

  31. (es-verb form of)

  32. is, are


  33. (n-g): sigh

  34. high on drugs; drugged

  35. (syn)

  36. act of frighting or startling a dog

  37. to know; to get to know; to learn

  38. {{RQ:Nguyen Trai Quoc am thi tap|chapter=歸崑山重九偶作 Quy côn sơn trùng cửu ngẫu tác

  39. (RQ:Nguyen Du Kieu)

  40. {{quote-journal|vi|title=Trẻ con lai ở miền Tây: Con không cha như nhà không nóc mixed children in Southwestern Vietnam: a fatherless child is like a roofless house|url=https://tuoitre.vn/tre-con-lai-o-mien-tay-con-khong-cha-nhu-nha-khong-noc-20180122101058204.htm|newspaper=Tuổi Trẻ Online|date=22 Jan 2018|author=Viễn Sự; Sơn Lâm|passage=Hồi mẹ nó ẵm về nước, bà nội nó nói mua cho cái vé khứ hồi, tới hồi ra sân bay về lại Hàn Quốc thì mới hay cái vé đi có một chiều.

  41. to have a habit of (doing something)

  42. good, as in useful, inventive, interesting or entertaining; compare (m)

  43. (ant)


  44. well

  45. or

  46. (RQ:Nguyen Du Kieu)

  47. go, us go

  48. (quote-book)