
suomi-englanti sanakirja

hag englannista suomeksi

  1. harppu, akka, ämmä

  2. limanahkiainen

  1. noita-akka

  2. harppu, huuhkaja, noita-akka

  3. raivotar

  4. limanahkiainen

  5. Verbi

hag englanniksi

  1. A witch, sorceress, or enchantress; a wizard.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (RQ:Melville Moby-Dick)

  4. An ugly old woman.

  5. An evil woman.

  6. (quote-av)|year=2017|text=I don't plan to stop drinking. But... I don't wanna forget. I can't turn away anymore. So, if I'm gonna die, well, it might as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag.

  7. A fury; a she-monster.

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=1646|author=Richard Crashaw|title=Steps to the Temple|chapter=Sospetto D' Herode|section=stanza 37

  9. A hagfish; one of various eel-like fish of the family (taxfmt), allied to the lamprey, with a suctorial mouth, labial appendages, and a single pair of gill openings.

  10. A hagdon or shearwater; one of various sea birds of the genus (taxfmt).

  11. An appearance of light and fire on a horse's mane or a person's hair.

  12. The fruit of the hagberry, (taxfmt).

  13. paralysis|Sleep paralysis.

  14. A small wood, or part of a wood or copse, which is marked off or enclosed for felling, or which has been felled. (defdate)

  15. A marshy hollow, especially an area of peat lying lower than surrounding moorland, formed by erosion of a gully or cutting and often having steep edges. (defdate)

  16. (quote-book) that all the warp should be thrown into the Common wayes, to fill up haggs and lakes, where need was, upon a great penalty, where it should ly neer the Common rode.

  17. (quote-book)|title=The Gallows Pole|publisher=Bloomsbury|year_published=2019|page=101

  18. To harass; to weary with vexation.

  19. and

  20. (infl of)

  21. a notch; a pit or break

  22. a stroke of an axe or similar instrument

  23. the felling of timber; the quantity of wood felled

  24. a quagmire from which peat or turf is cut

  25. to chop (wood); to hack; to out (coal etc.)

  26. to a hash of (something)

  27. (quote-journal)and the rawzor haggit like a saw—Trumbull o’ Selkirk makes good rawzors, but the weans are unco fond of playing wi’ mine, puir things—Od keep us!|url=https://books.google.com/?id=sxsyAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA789|translation=when the razor is hacked like a saw-tooth—Trumbull from Selkirk makes good razors, but the children are uncommonly fond of playing with mine, the poor things—then God help us!

  28. to down trees and prepare timber

  29. an ox

  30. a cattleman, one who raises cattle or oxen

  31. (synonyms)

  32. to hinder; to impede