
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fell englannista suomeksi

  1. kaataa

  2. kattaa

  3. vuota, talja

  4. katesauma

  5. hakkuu

  6. kauhistuttava

  7. lentää

  1. kaataa, hakata

  2. kaataa

  3. päärmätä

  4. hakkuu

  5. talja, vuota

  6. tunturi, kukkula, mäki

  7. hirveä

  8. ärhäkkä

  9. suunnaton

  10. sitoutunut

  11. Substantiivi

  12. Verbi

fell englanniksi

  1. To make something fall; especially to chop down a tree.

  2. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-2)

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. (quote-book)| year=2014| author=Elizabeth Kolbert| publisher=Picador| ISBN=9781250062185| passage=As southeast Asia's forests were felled, the rhino's habitat shrank and became fragmented.|page=219

  5. To strike down, kill, destroy.

  6. {{quote-journal|en|date=January 17 2016|title=What ''Weiner'' Reveals About Huma Abedin|titleurl=http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/01/weiner-documentary-reveals-about-huma-abedin?mbid=nl_012016_Daily&CNDID=37352344&spMailingID=8454428&spUserID=MTA5MzMyMDg1NTAyS0&spJobID=842215726&spReportId=ODQyMjE1NzI2S0|journal=Vanity Fair|accessdate=21 January 2016

  7. (quote-book)

  8. (quote-web)

  9. To stitch down a protruding flap of fabric, as a seam allowance, or pleat.

  10. {{quote-text|en|year=2006|author=Colette Wolff|title=The Art of Manipulating Fabric|page=296

  11. A cutting-down of timber.

  12. The stitching down of a fold of cloth; specifically, the portion of a kilt, from the waist to the seat, where the pleats are stitched down.

  13. The end of a web, formed by the last thread of the weft.

  14. (senseid) An animal skin, hide, pelt.

  15. (RQ:Shakespeare As You Like It)

  16. Human skin (q).

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=c. 1390|author=William Langland|title=Piers Plowman|section=I

  18. (senseid) A rocky ridge or chain of mountains.

  19. (quote-book )

  20. A wild field or upland moor.

  21. {{quote-book|en|year=1612|author=Michael Drayton|title=Poly-Olbion|section=song 11 p. 174|sectionurl=http://poly-olbion.exeter.ac.uk/the-text/full-text/song-11/

  22. Of a strong and cruel nature; eager and unsparing; grim; fierce; ruthless; savage.

  23. (ux)

  24. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-3)While we devise fell tortures for thy faults.

  25. (RQ:Butler Hudibras)

  26. (quote-text) but if it be solitary with the position of an incisor, will it even then bear out Professor Owen's hypothesis, that ''Thylacoleo'', which he infers to have been one of “the fellest and most destructive of predatory beasts, (..)

  27. (RQ:Wodehouse Jeeves in the Offing)

  28. Strong and fiery; biting; keen; sharp; pungent

  29. Very large; huge.

  30. Eager; earnest; intent.

  31. {{RQ:Pepys Diary|VI|15 January 1667

  32. Sharply; fiercely.

  33. Anger; gall; melancholy.

  34. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  35. (RQ:Hopkins Poems)

  36. The finer portions of ore, which go through the meshes when the ore is sorted by sifting.

  37. (infl of)

  38. (past participle of)

  39. (quote-book)|author=(w)|translator=J. F.|page=121|url=https://books.google.co.nz/books?id=DexeAAAAcAAJ |passage= For I have heard that my Enemies have fell into that ſnare which they laid for mee. They which would have taken away my life have loſt their own;(..)

  40. deep, shallow

  41. isolated hill, isolated mountain

  42. (inflection of)

  43. (alt form)

  44. fell

  45. skin