
suomi-englanti sanakirja

weary englannista suomeksi

  1. uupua

  2. lopen uupunut, uupunut

  3. kyllästyä

  1. väsynyt, lopen uupunut

  2. väsynyt

  3. Verbi

weary englanniksi

  1. Having the strength exhausted by toil or exertion; tired; fatigued.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare As You Like It)

  4. {{quote-text|en|year=1863|author=Henry Wadsworth Longfellow|title=Weariness

  5. {{RQ:Belloc Lowndes Lodger|II|0091

  6. *(RQ:Walliams Bad Dad)

  7. Having one's patience, relish, or contentment exhausted; tired; sick.

  8. Expressive of fatigue.

  9. Causing weariness; tiresome.

  10. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  11. (RQ:Wordsworth Coleridge Lyrical Ballads)

  12. (quote-book) Old women supported her in the weary task, and they all danced together, arm in arm.

  13. To make or to become weary.

  14. (syn)

  15. (RQ:Shakespeare Julius Caesar)

  16. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  17. (RQ:Stevenson Kidnapped)

  18. (RQ:Falkner Moonfleet)