
suomi-englanti sanakirja

es englanniksi

  1. Es

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. a synonym for "and"

  3. (ux-lite)

  4. (alt form-lite) (gloss) (n-g)

  5. (alt form-lite).

  6. (pronunciation spelling of)

  7. (Cyrl-def)

  8. (l-lite)

  9. (syn-lite)

  10. (inflection of): a/an

  11. 1978, (w) & Christa Maerker, ''Die Schweizermacher'' (transcript):

  12. (quote)
  13. it

  14. them (qualifier)

  15. to leave, exit, out

  16. to rise

  17. to defecate

  18. it (q)

  19. (alt sp-lite)

  20. himself, herself, itself (direct or indirect object)

  21. oneself (direct or indirect object)

  22. themselves (direct or indirect object)

  23. other (direct or indirect object)

  24. the

  25. (monikko) ca|e|t=the letter E

  26. mind, consciousness

  27. (Latn-def)

  28. (infl of)

  29. (l-lite)

  30. Jeg har alle esserne.

    I have all the aces.

  31. ash, tree, (taxfmt)

  32. ash, any tree of the genus (taxfmt)

  33. E-flat

  34. (alt form-lite)

  35. A tract of open, often raised agricultural land near or surrounding a village or hamlet.

  36. (inflection of)

  37. child

  38. (gl-verb form of)

  39. (n-g-lite)

  40. (ux-lite))|Where's the book? It’s on the table.

    (ux-lite))|What color is the horse? It is white.

    (ux-lite)) |I remarked a strange bearded individual and decided to keep an eye on him.

    (ux-lite))|The girl didn’t know that she was being observed.

    (ux-lite))|Any board member may take the floor if they so wish.

  41. (quote-book)

  42. (n-g-lite)it

  43. (uxi)) |This is nothing that could possibly exist.

    (uxi))|There was once a beautiful princess.

    (ux-lite))|It's good to be alive!

    (ux-lite))|It’s raining.

    (ux-lite))|It's certain that the sun will shine tomorrow.

    (ux-lite)) |How are you doing?

    (ux-lite))|It's me, Michael.

    (ux-lite))|The television orchestra is playing.

    (ux-lite))|She is going to go far.

  44. this

  45. it

  46. flat

  47. (apocopic form of)

  48. ice

  49. (Latn-def-lite)

  50. (inflection of): is, are, am

  51. they

  52. I

  53. (n-g-lite)''.

  54. (inflection of) ("you are") (''singular'')

  55. (inflection of) ("be!")

  56. I; (n-g-lite)

  57. I, ego (gloss)

  58. (n-g-lite)/(l-lite).

  59. (alt form-lite); (inflection of)

  60. (alt form-lite)

  61. (contraction of)

  62. stoat, weasel

  63. (infl of) (q)

  64. shell (2)

  65. oyster

  66. in the

  67. the letter s

  68. death

  69. food

  70. ox

  71. (alt sp): (infl of)

  72. (archaic form of), (inflection of)

  73. (archaic form of) ''(which, that)''

  74. (archaic form of) ''(when, where)''

  75. (inflection of): the

  76. (verb form of)

  77. to be

  78. to have (done something).

  79. once

  80. ''Uvur haramavimaken, du famud, es!'' — The tide is about to turn; cook the sago at once!Don Richardson, ''Peace Child''.

  81. enough

  82. (es-verb form of)

  83. (noun form of)

  84. he

  85. (RQ:xsv:Narew) — eſ|he

  86. (Latn-def-lite) ''in the (w).''

  87. (syn)

  88. (topic)shoulder

  89. (topic)bough, limb (of a tree)

  90. branch of a particular matter

  91. (cln) (infl of)