
suomi-englanti sanakirja

recess englannista suomeksi

  1. lahdelma

  2. syvennys

  3. pitää tauko

  4. loveta

  5. upottaa

  6. keskeyttäminen

  7. välitunti

  1. Substantiivi

  2. syvennys inset, väli space between two things

  3. aukko opening, kuoppa hole

  4. vessa

  5. syvyys usually in the plural

  6. piilopaikka

  7. salaisuus

  8. loma vacation, tauko break, pause

  9. tauko

  10. välitunti

  11. vetäytyminen

  12. Verbi

  13. kaivaa syvennys">kaivaa syvennys, tehdä syvennys">tehdä syvennys

  14. laittaa syvennykseen">laittaa syvennykseen

  15. julistaa tauko">julistaa tauko

  16. esittää tauon pitämistä">esittää tauon pitämistä

  17. pitää tauko">pitää tauko

recess englanniksi

  1. (senseid) A depressed, hollow, or indented space; also, a hole or opening.

  2. (hyponyms)


  3. (RQ:Taylor Eniautos)

  4. (RQ:Dryden Georgics)

  5. (RQ:Dryden Aeneis)

  6. (RQ:Cowper Poems)

  7. (RQ:Radcliffe Italian)

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. (senseid) A small space created by building part of a wall further back from the rest; a niche.

  10. (synonyms)

  11. (RQ:Defoe Great Britain)

  12. (RQ:Irving Tales of a Traveller)

  13. (RQ:Scott Woodstock)

  14. (RQ:Dickens Barnaby Rudge)

  15. (RQ:Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre)

  16. (RQ:Barrie Admirable Crichton) Deep recesses half way up the walls contain various provender in barrels and sacks.

  17. The place in a prison where the communal lavatories are located.

  18. A hidden, innermost, or inaccessible place or part of a place.

  19. (RQ:Landon Francesca Carrara)

  20. (RQ:Strachey Queen Victoria)

  21. (RQ:Heller Catch-22)

  22. A place of retirement, retreat, or seclusion.

  23. (RQ:Speed Historie of Great Britaine)

  24. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  25. (RQ:Galsworthy To Let)

  26. An obscure, remote, or secret situation.

  27. (RQ:Bacon Learning) ''(w)'' (..) ſeeing in the frame of mans heart, ſuch Angles and receſſes, founde fault there vvas not a vvindovve to looke into them: (..)

  28. (RQ:Taylor Great Exemplar) GOD not onely ſerving himſelf vvith truth out of the mouthes of impious perſons, but magnifying the receſſes of his Counſell and VViſdome and Predeſtination, vvho uſes the ſame Doctrine to glorifie himſelf and to confound his enemies, (..)

  29. (RQ:South Twelve Sermons)

  30. (RQ:Homer Pope Iliad)

  31. (RQ:Watts Improvement)

  32. (RQ:Dante Cary Vision)

  33. (RQ:Mill Dissertations)

  34. A temporary stoppage of an activity; a break, a pause.

  35. A of time when the proceedings of a committee, of law, parliament, or other official body are temporarily suspended.

  36. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  37. A time away from studying during the day for a meal or recreation.

  38. An act of retiring or withdrawing; a back|moving back.

  39. (RQ:Burnet Church of England)|part=3|section=Records|chapter=Number 52. A Letter to Pole|Reginald Pole from the Bishop of Durham, in His Own Hand. An Original|date=13 July 1536|page=120|passage=And his Receſſe from the Church, ye proffe not othervviſe, than by the Fame and comon Opinion of thoſe Parts; (..)

  40. (RQ:Holinshed Chronicles)

  41. (RQ:Topsell Serpents) they hold as it vvere in theyr hands a thred dravvne from the middeſt or Center, by vvhich they haue eaſie acceſſe and receſſe to and fro to their beguiling nets; (..)

  42. (RQ:Eikon Basilike)

  43. (RQ:Boyle New Experiments) but vvas not ſo much depriv'd of progreſſive motion by the receſs of the Air: (..)

  44. (RQ:South Twelve Sermons) Foraſmuch as it carries in it an inſulting Negative upon that, vvhich conſtitutes the Perſon ſo charged properly a Man: Every Degree of Ignorance being ſo far a Receſs and Degradation from Rationality, and conſequently from Humanity itſelf.

  45. (RQ:Defoe Plague Year)

  46. (RQ:Burke Sublime and Beautiful)

  47. (senseid) A decree or resolution of the diet of the Roman Empire or the League.

  48. (RQ:Robertson Charles 5) Such are the capital articles in this famous Receſs, vvhich is the baſis of religious peace in Germany, (..)

  49. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge|Society &91;for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge&93;,(nb...); & Hall|Chapman and Hall,(nb...)|year=1842|page=484|pageurl=|oclc=1015523025|passage=Besides the fundamental laws and the capitulations, the constitution of the Empire was contained in the ''Recesses'' or collections of Decrees of the Diet, which was the general legislative body of the whole Federal union; (..)|footer=(small)

  50. An act of retiring or withdrawing from public life, society, etc.; also, an act of living in retirement or seclusion, or a period of such retirement or seclusion.

  51. (RQ:Evelyn Diary) whole Citty, which lyes in shape of a theatre upon the sea brinke, with all the circumjacent islands, as far as Capreæ, famous for the debauched recesses of (w).

  52. (RQ:Dryden Fables)

  53. (RQ:Hale Common Law) When the Evidence is fully given, the Jurors withdraw to a private Place, (..) In this Receſs of the Jury they are to conſider their Evidence, (..)

  54. (RQ:Defoe Moll Flanders)

  55. Leisure, relaxation.

  56. (RQ:Evelyn Diary)

  57. (RQ:Shirley Works)

  58. (RQ:Prior Poems)

  59. The state of being withdrawn.

  60. (RQ:Du Fresnoy Dryden Painting)

  61. A departure from a norm or position.

  62. (RQ:Bacon Learning)

  63. (RQ:Lovell Panzooryktologia)

  64. A time interval during which something ceases; an interruption, a respite.

  65. (RQ:Bacon Henry 7)

  66. (RQ:Defoe Jure Divino)

  67. An overall-concave, reentrant section of a sinuous and thrust belt, sheet, or a single fault, caused by one or more of: deformation (folding and faulting) of strata and geologic structures during orogenesis, differences in the angle of taper during orogenesis, or differing level of the present geomorphological surface.

  68. (ant)

  69. Of a place or time: distant, remote.

  70. (RQ:Salusbury Mathematical Collections) I ſhould think it beſt in the ſubſequent diſcourſes to begin to examine vvhether the Earth be eſteemed immoveable, as it hath been till novv believed by moſt men, or elſe moveable, as ſome ancient ''Philoſophers'' held, and others of not very receſſe times vvere of opinion; and if it be moveable, to enquire of vvhat kind its motion may be?

  71. To position (something) a distance behind another thing; to back.

  72. (RQ:Hardy Far from the Madding Crowd)

  73. To make a recess ''(noun (senseno) and (senseno))'' in (something).

  74. ''Often preceded by'' in ''or'' into: to inset (something) into a recess or niche.

  75. To conceal, to hide.

  76. (RQ:Edgeworth Fashionable Life)

  77. To temporarily suspend (a meeting, the proceedings of an official body, etc.).

  78. (RQ:Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit)

  79. To make a appointment in respect of (someone).

  80. (quote-journal) "The President's view of his own power is a constrained one," says White House counsel (w). "Many of his nominees have languished, but he's only recessed the ones that were critical to keep agencies functioning."

  81. Of a meeting, the proceedings of an official body, etc.: to adjourn, to a break.

  82. Of an official body: to suspend proceedings for a of time.

  83. a decision, an agreement, a return (to previous conditions)

  84. a recess, a niche