
suomi-englanti sanakirja

jár englanniksi

  1. jar

  1. to go, to move between places, whether on foot or by transportation

  2. to walk, to ambulate (gloss)

  3. {{quote-book

  4. to by unexpectedly or by chance, to happen to be somewhere

  5. to visit, to have been to (gloss)

  6. to habitually do something, especially when it involves going outside

  7. or with an infinitive to attend, to frequent, to go to (gloss)

  8. (uxi)

  9. to travel by, to regularly take (gloss)

  10. to out|go out with, to date (gloss)

  11. {{quote-journal

  12. to dress in a certain manner, to habitually wear

  13. to about life in a certain manner, to carry oneself in a certain way

  14. to move or to be moved regularly or repetitively

  15. to dance (gloss)

  16. to perform a repetitive motion (gloss)

  17. to run, to operate, to work (gloss)

  18. to run, to be in service (gloss)

  19. to around (gloss)

  20. to on in one’s mind (gloss)

  21. to be customary, to usually happen in some way

  22. to regularly arrive to a subscriber

  23. to be owed, deserved or justly expected (gloss)

  24. to be included with (gloss)

  25. to involve, to about, to with, to mean as a consequence

  26. to be customary, appropriate, right, fair or proper

  27. to progress, to be at a certain stage

  28. to to pass, to befall

  29. to be getting, to be around (gloss)

  30. to be at, to be around (gloss)

  31. to have something happen to someone

  32. , (m) or (m) to have something befall someone, typically with a negative outcome

  33. to out of a situation favorably or unfavorably, to benefit from or be hurt by