
suomi-englanti sanakirja

plain englannista suomeksi

  1. yksinkertainen

  2. selvä

  3. paljas

  4. arkinen

  5. tasanko

  6. vaatimaton

  7. nurkua

  8. silmukka

  9. pelkkä

  10. yksinkertaisesti

  1. selvä, yksinkertainen, tavallinen

  2. maustamaton, tavallinen

  3. tasanko, tasamaa

plain englanniksi

  1. Flat, level. (defdate)

  2. (RQ:KJV)

  3. Simple, unaltered.

  4. Ordinary; lacking adornment or ornamentation; unembellished. (defdate)

  5. (ux)

  6. {{quote-journal|en|year=2013|month=September–October|author=Henry Petroski

  7. Of just one colour; lacking a pattern.

  8. Simple in habits or qualities; unsophisticated, not exceptional, ordinary. (defdate)

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=1654|author=Henry Hammond|title=Of Fundamentals

  10. {{quote-text|en|year=1861|author=Abraham Lincoln|title=Message to Congress in Special Session, July 4th

  11. Having only few ingredients, or no additional ingredients or seasonings; not elaborate, without toppings or extras. (defdate)

  12. Containing no extended or nonprinting characters (especially in (m)). (defdate)

  13. Obvious.

  14. Evident to one's senses or reason; manifest, clear, unmistakable. (defdate)

  15. (RQ:Carlyle Past and Present)

  16. Downright; total, unmistakable (as intensifier). (defdate)

  17. Open.

  18. Honest and without deception; candid, open; blunt. (defdate)

  19. (quote-book)| chapter=Constantinus the Emperour Summoneth the Nicene Councell, it was Held at Nicæa a Citie of Bythnia for the Debatinge of the Controuersie about the Feast of Easter, and the Rootinge out of the Heresie of Arius| mainauthor=Eusebius Pamphilus; Socrates Scholasticus; Evagrius Scholasticus; of Tyre|Dorotheus| tlr=Meredith Hanmer| title=The Avncient Ecclesiasticall Histories of the First Six Hundred Yeares after Christ, Wrytten in the Greeke Tongue by Three Learned Historiographers, Eusebius, Socrates, and Euagrius. ...|location=imprinted at London|publisher=By Vautrollier|Thomas Vautroullier dwelling in the Blackefriers by (w)| year=1577| volume_plain=book I (The First Booke of the Ecclesiasticall Historye of Socrates Scholasticvs)| page=225| pageurl=| oclc=55193813| passage=VVe are able with playne demonſtration to proue, and vvith reaſon to perſvvade that in tymes paſt our fayth vvas alike, that then vve preached thinges correſpondent vnto the forme of faith already published of vs, ſo that none in this behalfe can repyne or gaynesay vs.

  20. (RQ:Shakespeare King Lear)

  21. (RQ:Fielding Tom Jones)

  22. Clear; unencumbered; equal; fair.

  23. {{quote-text|en|year=1711|author=Henry Felton|title=Dissertation on Reading the Classics

  24. Not unusually beautiful; unattractive. (defdate)

  25. (quote-book)

  26. Not a trump.

  27. Simply.

  28. Plainly; distinctly.

  29. (senseid) An expanse of land with relatively low relief and few trees, especially a grassy expanse.

  30. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  31. 1961, J. A. Philip. ''Mimesis in the ''Sophistês'' of Plato''. In: Proceedings and Transactions of the American Philological Association 92. p. 467.

  32. For Plato the life of the philosopher is a life of struggle towards the goal of knowledge, towards “searching the heavens and measuring the plains, in all places seeking the nature of everything as a whole”




  33. A broad, flat expanse in general, as of water.

  34. (RQ:Tennyson In Memoriam)

  35. (syn of) in reference to a battlefield.

  36. {{quote-text|en|year=1899|author=Alexander John Arbuthnot|title=Lord Clive: The Foundation of British Rule in India

  37. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 3)

  38. (alternative spelling of): a flat geometric field.

  39. To level; to raze; to make plain or even on the surface.

  40. (RQ:Marlowe Edward 2)

  41. 1612, (w), ''Prince Henrie’s Obsequies'', Elegy 24, in (w) (editor), ''Restituta'', Volume I, London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1814, p. 399,

  42. Though kept by ''Rome''’s and ''Mahomet''’s chiefe powers;They should not long detain him there in thrall:We would rake ''Europe'' rather, plain the ''East'';Dispeople the whole ''Earth'' before the doome:
  43. To make plain or manifest; to explain.

  44. (RQ:Shakespeare Pericles)

  45. A lamentation.

  46. (quote-text)|url=|title=The Lady of the Isles|section=Canto IV, part IX

  47. To complain. (defdate)

  48. (RQ:Langland Piers Plowman)

  49. To lament, bewail. (defdate)

  50. (RQ:Spenser Astrophel)Oft times to plaine your loves concealed smart

  51. (RQ:Joseph Hall Satires)

  52. (RQ:Landon Francesca Carrara)

  53. 1936, (w), ''More Poems'', "XXV", lines 5–9

  54. Then came I crying, and to-day, / With heavier cause to plain, / Depart I into death away, / Not to be born again.
  55. Full, complete in number or extent.

  56. full

  57. plane

  58. full (not empty)

  59. (ant)

  60. {{quote-text|fro|year=c. 1170|author=Chrétien de Troyes|title=s:fr:Érec et Énide

  61. (l) (flat area)

  62. flat (not even or mountainous)

  63. full