
suomi-englanti sanakirja

blunt englannista suomeksi

  1. karu, alaston

  2. tylsyttää

  3. latistaa, tylsistää

  4. suorasukainen

  5. heikentää

  6. tylppä

  7. tylsä

  1. tylppä, tylsä

  2. hidasälyinen

  3. suorasukainen

  4. tylppä neula">tylppä neula

  5. bluntti

  6. tylsyttää

  7. latistaa, colloquial lässäyttää

  8. Substantiivi

blunt englanniksi

  1. Having a thick edge or point; not sharp.

  2. (RQ:Shakespeare Richard 3)

  3. (quote-book)| title=The Three Corpse Trick| section=chapter 5| passage=The dinghy was trailing astern at the end of its painter, and Merrion looked at it as he passed. He saw that it was a battered-looking affair of the prahm type, with a blunt snout, and like the parent ship, had recently been painted a vivid green.

  4. (RQ:Allingham China Governess).

  5. Dull in understanding; slow of discernment; opposed to acute.

  6. (RQ:Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing)

  7. Abrupt in address; plain; unceremonious; wanting the forms of civility; rough in manners or speech.

  8. ''The blunt admission that he had never liked my company.''

  9. (RQ:Shakespeare Julius Caesar)

  10. Hard to impress or penetrate.

  11. December 30, 1736, (w), letter to (w)

  12. I find my heart hardened and blunt to new impressions.
  13. Slow or deficient in feeling: insensitive.

  14. A fencer's practice foil with a soft tip.

  15. A short needle with a strong point.

  16. A marijuana cigar.

  17. (syn)

  18. (RQ:Torgoff Can't Find My Way Home) to make his point, lead rapper B-Real fired up a blunt in front of the cameras and several hundred thousand people and announced, “I'm taking a hit for every one of y'all!”|page=461

  19. money

  20. (RQ:Dickens Pickwick Papers)

  21. A playboating move resembling a cartwheel performed on a wave.

  22. To dull the edge or point of, by making it thicker; to make blunt.

  23. To repress or weaken; to impair the force, keenness, or susceptibility, of

  24. ''It blunted my appetite.''

    ''My feeling towards her have been blunted.''

  25. {{quote-journal|en|date=January 12, 2011

  26. (quote-journal)

  27. (alternative form of)

  28. (alt sp)

  29. (l) (gloss)