


  1. paljas, kaunistelematon, koruton

  2. kuvioton tai koristeeton; yksivärinen

  3. selvä, ilmeinen, ilmiselvä

  4. tavallinen

  5. yksinkertainen, pelkistetty; selko-

Esimerkkejä plain sanan käytöstä:

The plain truth is that I hate my job.

That was plain talk.

In plain English, you have cancer.

plain colour

It is plain to see.

sugar water and plain water

She is rather plain.

It was a plain dress but she wore it well.

I wish they wrote these manuals in plain English without technical jargon!

There is a trend towards plainer language in government communications.

Liittyvät sanat: plain weave



  1. koristelematon, arkinen, paljas, vaatimaton, koruton, suora, kaunistelematon, ilmeinen, näkyvä, julkinen, selvä, päivänselvä, silminnähtävä.

Lisää synonyymejää







tasanko puhekieltä flat Flat, level. (defdate)
Bible, (w) xl. 4

The crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain.
ordinary Ordinary; lacking adornment or ornamentation; unembellished. (defdate)


Of just one colour; lacking a pattern.
Simple in habits or qualities; unsophisticated, not exceptional, ordinary. (defdate)
(w) (1605-1660)
plain yet pious Christians
(w) (1809-1865)
the plain people
puhekieltä Having only few ingredients, or no additional ingredients or seasonings; not elaborate, without toppings or extras. (defdate)
puhekieltä Containing no extended or nonprinting characters (especially in (m)). (defdate)
obvious Obvious.
evident Evident to one's senses or reason; manifest, clear, unmistakable. (defdate)
1843, (w), (w), book 2, ch. XV, Practical — Devotional
In fact, by excommunication or persuasion, by impetuosity of driving or adroitness in leading, :w:Samson of Tottington|this Abbot, it is now becoming plain everywhere, is a man that generally remains master at last.
downright Downright; total, unmistakable (as intensifier). (defdate)
open Open.
honest Honest and without deception; candid, open; blunt. (defdate)
(w) (1564-1616)
an honest mind, and plain
(RQ:Fielding Tom Jone)
The Quaker was no sooner assured by this fellow of the birth and low fortune of Jones, than all compassion for him vanished; and the honest plain man went home fired with no less indignation than a duke would have felt at receiving an affront from such a person.
Clear; unencumbered; equal; fair.
Our troops beat an army in plain fight.
Not unusually beautiful; unattractive. (defdate)
puhekieltä simply Simply

It was just plain stupid.

I plain forgot.

puhekieltä A lamentation.
1815, Sir w:Walter Scott|Walter Scott, The Lady of the Isles, Canto IV, part IX
The warrior-threat, the infant's plain,
The mother's screams, were heard in vain;
puhekieltä To complain. (defdate)
c. 1390, (w), Piers Plowman, Prologue:
Persones and parisch prestes · pleyned hem to þe bischop / Þat here parisshes were pore · sith þe pestilence tyme ….
puhekieltä To lament, bewail. (defdate)

to plain a loss


Bishop Joseph Hall
Thy mother could thee for thy cradle set / Her husband's rusty iron corselet; / Whose jargling sound might rock her babe to rest, / That never plain'd of his uneasy nest.
:w:Alfred Edward Housman|Alfred Edward Housman, More Poems, XXV, lines 5-9
Then came I crying, and to-day,
With heavier cause to plain,
Depart I into death away,
Not to be born again.
An expanse of land with relatively low relief.
Him the Ammonite / Worshipped in Rabba and her watery plain.
1961, J. A. Philip. Mimesis in the Sophistês of Plato. In: Proceedings and Transactions of the American Philological Association 92. p. 467.
For Plato the life of the philosopher is a life of struggle towards the goal of knowledge, towards “searching the heavens and measuring the plains, in all places seeking the nature of everything as a whole”
A battlefield.
Lead forth my soldiers to the plain.
puhekieltä A planeNoun plane.
puhekieltä To plane or level; to make plain or even on the surface.
We would rake Europe rather, plain the East.
puhekieltä To make plain or manifest; to explain.
What's dumb in show, I'll plain in speech.
puhekieltä plane
full (not empty)
circa 1170, (w), s:fr:Érec et Énide|Érec et Énide:
De tant come ele l'ot veü,
Que plains estoit de felenie.
: As she had seen
: He was full of evil
(l) (flat area)
flat (not even or mountainous)
puhekieltä full


plain rimmaa näiden kanssa:

lain, paalain, heinänpaalain, pyöröpaalain, puolain, tislain, kaulain, mittakaulain, naulain, paineilmanaulain

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