
suomi-englanti sanakirja

kap englanniksi

  1. to grab, grip (someone or something)

  2. (syn)


  3. (you) catch (an object or feelings)

  4. to seize, keep, hold (something, someone); to take or occupy (land, position)

  5. to find, surprise (a person in a situation, act)

  6. to possess, overwhelm, scare (by a feeling, illness, demon)

  7. to understand, see, hear immediately (a problem, issue, mission, task)

  8. to reach (to); meet (someone or something that walks in front)

  9. to start, begin (work, job, path)

  10. to tan, up (by the sun); to capture (by wind; military service)

  11. (Gheg examples) (ux)

  12. to determine, constitute; to reach, cost (a high sum)

  13. to tie, bind, braid (hair)

  14. to snatch, off (hat, wig)

  15. lid, cover

  16. cape

  17. (infl of)

  18. cap

  19. cover

  20. stroke; chopping

  21. (clipping of)

  22. (contraction of)

  23. {{quote-journal

  24. (l)

  25. to get, to receive (gloss); as something: (hu-case)

  26. to snatch, to grab (gloss) (gloss), (hu-case), (hu-case), or (hu-case)

  27. to find

  28. rope

  29. (short for)

  30. rope

  31. purchase

  32. (inflection of)

  33. to bite

  34. drop

  35. stroke (brain hemorrhage)

  36. ear

  37. a bargain, a steal, a catch (something (valuable) gotten for a very low price or with very low effort)

  38. cup

  39. vessel, can, container, holder, pot, case

  40. cover (gloss)

  41. cape (gloss)

  42. (tr-verb form of)

  43. head

  44. to shoot