
suomi-englanti sanakirja

gorge englannista suomeksi

  1. ahmia, mässäillä

  2. kuru, kuilu, rotko, kapea sola

  3. kurkku, nielu

  1. kurkku

  2. suupala, pala

  3. pato in a river; tulppa, tukos in a pipe

  4. selkä

  5. rotko, kuru

  6. ura

  7. hotkia, ahmia

  8. Substantiivi

gorge englanniksi

  1. The front aspect of the neck; the outside of the throat.

  2. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  3. The inside of the throat; the esophagus, the gullet; the crop or gizzard of a hawk.

  4. (RQ:Walton Compleat Angler)

  5. (quote-book)|edition=4th|location=London|publisher=printed for G. G. and J. Robinson,(nb...); by R. Noble,(nb...)|year=1800|column=1|oclc=1102694893|passage=''Gleam'', a term uſed after a hawk hath caſt and gleameth, or throweth up filth from her gorge.

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. Food that has been taken into the gullet or the stomach, particularly if it is regurgitated or vomited out.

  8. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet Q1-2)

  9. (quote-book)

  10. A choking or filling of a channel or passage by an obstruction; the obstruction itself.

  11. (ux)

  12. (RQ:Grey Betty Zane)

  13. A concave moulding; a cavetto.

  14. (quote-book); J. Fletcher & Co.,(nb...); J. Coote,(nb...); Cambridge: Mess. Fletcher & Hodson; Dublin: W. Smith & Co.|year=1764|volume=I|column=1|oclc=722327086|passage=GORGE, ''Gula'', in architecture, the narroweſt part of Tuſcan and Doric capitals, lying between the aſtragal, above the ſhaft of the pillar and the annulets. (..) It is alſo uſed for a concave moulding, larger, but not ſo deep as a ſcotia, which ſerves for compartments, &c.|brackets=on

  15. The rearward side of an outwork, a bastion, or a fort, often open, or not protected against artillery; a narrow entry passage into the outwork of an enclosed fortification.

  16. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed for and sold by John Brindley,(nb...)|year=1745|column=1|oclc=723389608|passage=''Half Moon.'' An Outwork conſiſting of two Faces, which makes an ''Angle Salient'', the Gorge whereof bends in like a Bow, or Creſcent, and were formerly us'd to cover the Point of a Baſtion, which diſtinguiſhes them from ''Ravelins'', always plac'd before the Curtin; (..)

  17. (quote-book)|year=1874|section=paragraph 236|page=127|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=deFAAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA127|oclc=1049050331|passage=Ramps lead from the gorges of the bastions down to these outlets into the main ditch. (..) To keep open the communication between the bastions, a gallery between their gorges is made along the curtain wall.

  18. (quote-book) Only the foundations and a few tiers of stone were completed on the two gorge walls and the gorge bastion. At this point, a significant modification in design was made. (..) In this way, the gorge of the fort was closed at minimum expense.

  19. A primitive device used instead of a hook to catch fish, consisting of an object that is easy to swallow but difficult to eject or loosen, such as a piece of bone or stone pointed at each end and attached in the middle to a line.

  20. (quote-book) In the Swiss lakes are found the remains of the Lacustrine dwellers. Among the many implements discovered are fish-gorges made of bronze wire. When these forms are studied, the fact must be recognized at once that they follow, in shape and principle of construction, the stone gorges of the Neolithic period.

  21. A deep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides, particularly one with a stream running through it; a ravine.

  22. (synonyms)

  23. The groove of a pulley.

  24. (quote-journal) Illustrating the Mechanical Powers of Balances, Levers, Pulleys, &c. and Some Observations as to the Center of Gravity and Equilibres. Pulleys and Moufles or Mousled Pulleys.|magazine=Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure|The Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure:(nb...)|location=London|publisher=Published (...) by John Hinton(nb...)|month=May|year=1761|volume=CXCV|issue=XXVIII|page=256|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=0SU2AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA256|column=1|oclc=977832689|passage=But as the rope muſt lead the pulley, or the pulley the rope, when there is room to apprehend that the rope may not ſlide upon the pulley, the gorge is hollowed in the form of an angle, or ſtuck with points,(nb..).

  25. (quote-book)|year=1869|section=part I (Geometry of Machinery), section V (Connection by Bands), paragraph 172|page=187|pageurl=https://books.google.com.sg/books?id=ziZWAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA187|oclc=963509334|passage=A cord, in passing round a pulley, lies in a groove, sometimes called the ''gorge'' of the pulley; if the object of the pulley is merely to support, guide, or strain the cord, the gorge may be considerably wider than the cord; if the pulley is to drive or to be driven by the cord, so as to transmit motive power, the gorge must in general fit the cord closely, or even be of a triangular shape, so as to hold it tight.

  26. To stuff the gorge or gullet with food; to eat greedily and in large quantities. (+obj)

  27. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed for C. Hitch,(nb...), and C. Davis,(nb...); and S. Austen,(nb...)|year=1735|volume=I|oclc=642366102|passage=If the preceding night prove dark and cloudy, the ſucceeding day, will be no good day to angle in, unleſs it be for ſmall fiſh; for at ſuch time the larger prey abroad for the leſſer; who by inſtinct knowing the danger, hide themſelves till the morning; and having faſted all night, become then very hungry while the larger having gorged themſelves, lie abſconded all the day.

  28. (RQ:Scott Redgauntlet)

  29. To swallow, especially with greediness, or in large mouthfuls or quantities.

  30. (quote-book)|year=1871|page=155|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=lnxa_TE91QEC&pg=PA155|lines=175–176|oclc=559671054|passage=Seiz'd by his a lion's stalwart teeth, at once {{! his victim's a cow's neck is broken: / Thereafter, swilleth he the blood, {{! and all her entrails gorgeth.

  31. (quote-book)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Hurst & Co., publishers,(nb...)|year=1875|page=53|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=8Pc-AAAAYAAJ&pg=PA53|oclc=894203726|passage=If you use live bait, be exceedingly careful in determining when the fish has gorged it. You should give him several minutes after he has seized it, for this purpose. On seeing the bait, a pickerel will generally run off with it, and will then stop to gorge it, but does not always do so. (..) But if he has gorged the bait, he will soon start off a second time, and sometimes will stop and start off the third time. In these cases, you should never be in a hurry. when you are convinced that he has taken down the bait, draw a tight line, and strike for your fish.

  32. To up to the throat; to glut, to satiate.

  33. (RQ:Dryden Miscellaneous Works)

  34. (quote-book)|year=a. 1720|year_published=1808|page=186|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/dramatickworksof00addi/page/186/mode/1up|oclc=10360557|passage=The giant, gorg'd with flesh, and wine, and blood, / Lay stretch'd at length and snoring in his den, / Belching raw gobbets from his maw, o'ercharged / With purple wine and curdled gore confus'd.

  35. To up (an organ, a vein, etc.); to up or obstruct; of ice: to choke or fill a channel or passage, causing an obstruction.

  36. (quote-journal), at their hall|month=March|year=1852|volume=XXIII (Third Series; volume LIII overall)|number=3|page=161|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=OutCAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA161|oclc=1013447426|passage=At the mouth of the river there is shoal water, in which the ice grounds, and in severe weather, it forms a point of support for successive floating masses, until it sometimes gorges up for many miles above the ferry of the railway line.

  37. (quote-book); London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman|year=1836|page=752|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=kr40AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA752|oclc=651714163|passage=The morbid appearances left in the body after poisoning with carbonic acid gas have been chiefly observed in persons killed by charcoal vapour. (..) the heart and great veins are gorged with black fluid blood; the eyes are generally glistening and prominent, the face red, and the tongue protruding and black. Gorging of the cerebral vessels seems to be very common.

  38. An act of gorging.

  39. (quote-journal) Between the gorges give only regular meals, and not by any means plentiful ones. Two gorges a week ought to be sufficient, with two meals a day, morning and evening. After a gorge, hood your hawks, to keep them in a torpid state till digestion is accomplished.

  40. Gorgeous.

  41. (quote-web) Costumes Featuring Cavalli|Cavalli, (fashion designer)|Valentino, & MORE!|url=https://perezhilton.com/katy-perry-tour-costumes-roberto-cavalli-revealed-hot/|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20190328090427/https://perezhilton.com/katy-perry-tour-costumes-roberto-cavalli-revealed-hot/|archivedate=28 March 2019|work=Hilton|PerezHilton.com|date=5 May 2014|passage=While she's &91;(w)'s&93; been hard at work on her singing and choreography, designers have been hard at work coming up with the most gorge, glam, and fabulous costumes for her to wear on stage.

  42. throat

  43. breast

  44. (l)

  45. (inflection of)

  46. (monikko) it|gorgia

  47. throat