
suomi-englanti sanakirja

vein englannista suomeksi

  1. suoni

  2. laskimo

  3. siipisuoni

  4. erikoinen tyyli

  5. maalata

  1. Substantiivi

  2. laskimo

  3. suoli

  4. suoni, lehtisuoni

  5. siipisuoni

  6. juonne, suoni

  7. Verbi

vein englanniksi

  1. (senseid) A vessel that transports blood from the capillaries back to the heart.

  2. (hypo)

  3. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  4. The entrails of a shrimp.

  5. In leaves, a thickened portion of the leaf containing the bundle.

  6. The nervure of an insect’s wing.

  7. A stripe or streak of a different colour or composition in materials such as wood, cheese, marble or other rocks.

  8. A sheetlike body of crystallized minerals within a rock.

  9. A topic of discussion; a train of association, thoughts, emotions, etc.

  10. (ux)

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=1712|author=Jonathan Swift|title=A Proposal For Correcting, Improving, and Ascertaining the English Tongue

  12. (quote-song)|album=Black Holes and Revelations|passage=Come ride with meThrough the veins of history,I'll show you how GodFalls asleep on the job

  13. A style, tendency, or quality.

  14. (RQ:Bacon Essayes)

  15. {{quote-text|en|year=1645|author=Edmund Waller|title=The Battle Of The Summer Islands

  16. A fissure, cleft{{, or cavity, as in the earth or other substance.

  17. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  18. {{RQ:Newton Opticks

  19. To mark with veins or a vein-like pattern.

  20. {{quote-book|en|year=1853|author=Henry William Herbert|title=The Roman Traitor|location=Philadelphia|publisher=T.B. Peterson|volume=II|chapter=18|page=204|url=

  21. {{quote-text|en|year=1920|author=Melville Davisson Post|title=The Sleuth of St. James’s Square|url=|chapter=14

  22. wine (gl)

  23. (coi)

  24. (infl of)

  25. wine

  26. wail, lament

  27. vain (gl)

  28. vain (gl)

  29. unfounded, false, misleading

  30. foolish, gullible

  31. something that is worthless or futile

  32. idleness, triviality

  33. (alt form)