
suomi-englanti sanakirja

skimmer englannista suomeksi

  1. plärääjä, selaaja, silmäilijä

  2. kuorin, kuorimiskauha

  3. saksinokka

  4. olkihattu

  1. reikäkauha

  2. kuorija

  3. saksinokka

  4. Substantiivi

skimmer englanniksi

  1. A device that skims.

  2. A sieve-like, slotted spoon.

  3. A device for removing organic matter from an aquarium.

  4. A device used to read and record the magnetic code from a card for later fraudulent use.

  5. (cot)

  6. A person who skims.

  7. Any of three species of bird in the genus (taxfmt) of the family (taxfmt), that feed by skimming the surface of water bodies with their bills in flight.

  8. Any of several large bivalve shells, sometimes used for skimming milk, such as the clam ((taxlink)) and large scallops.

  9. A flat shoe.

  10. A loose-fitting one-piece dress, similar to a shift but with slightly more fitting.

  11. 1969, ''The New York Times Magazine'' (part 3)

  12. Classic, box-pleated skimmers and pantdresses stay crisp and fresh, won't wrinkle or wilt!
  13. (quote-book)

  14. {{quote-text|en|year=2009|author=Phyllis G. Tortora; Keith Eubank|title=Survey of Historic Costume|page=572

  15. Any of the dragonflies in the family (taxfmt).

  16. A sailor in the surface forces, as opposed to a submariner.

  17. A surface ship.

  18. A small, fast-moving spacecraft.

  19. {{quote-text|en|year=2015|author=Aurora Springer|title=Grand Master's Pawn

  20. {{quote-text|en|year=2000|author=Carlie Simonsen|title=Rocky to the Rescue|page=2

  21. To shimmer.

  22. To move quickly, to flutter.

  23. {{quote-text|en|year=1824|author=James Hogg|title=The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner|page=9|publisher=Oxford|year_published=2010

  24. a faint tremulous or intermittent light; a shimmer

  25. (uxi)