
suomi-englanti sanakirja

flutter englannista suomeksi

  1. värinä

  2. rauhattomuus

  3. läpyttely, lepatus, läpytys

  4. räpytellä, vinkata

  5. lepattaa, läpytellä

  6. puistelu

  7. liikkua sinne tänne

  1. Verbi

  2. lepattaa

  3. läpytellä, räpyttää, räpytellä

  4. puistella, räpyttää, räpytellä

  5. Substantiivi

  6. lepatus, läpyttely, läpytys, puistelu

  7. värinä, tärinä

  8. värinä, sydänvärinä

  9. pikkuveto

flutter englanniksi

  1. To flap or wave quickly but irregularly.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Chambers Younger Set)

  4. Of a winged animal: to flap the wings without flying; to fly with a light flapping of the wings.

  5. (RQ:Baum Wizard of Oz)

  6. To undergo divergent oscillations (potentially to the point of causing failure) due to a feedback loop between elastic deformation and aerodynamic forces.

  7. To cause something to flap.

  8. To drive into disorder; to throw into confusion.

  9. (RQ:Shakespeare Coriolanus) your Volcians in ''Corioles''.

  10. (RQ:Trollope He Knew)

  11. To be in a state of agitation or uncertainty.

  12. (RQ:Capek Selver RUR)

  13. To be frivolous.

  14. To subject to a detector test.

  15. (quote-text)

  16. {{quote-text|en|year=2002|author=Paul Eddy|title=Flint’s Law|page=90

  17. The act of fluttering; quick and irregular motion.

  18. {{quote-text|en|year=c. 1838|author=Richard Monckton Milnes|title=The Forest

  19. A state of agitation.

  20. {{RQ:Pope Essay on Man

  21. 1900, (w), ''The Soft Side'' Soft Side (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1900)/The Third Person/Chapter 3|The Third Person Chapter 3

  22. Their visitor was an issue - at least to the imagination, and they arrived finally, under provocation, at intensities of flutter in which they felt themselves so compromised by his hoverings that they could only consider with relief the fact of nobody's knowing.
  23. An abnormal rapid pulsation of the heart.

  24. An extremely dangerous divergent oscillation caused by a feedback loop between the elastic deformation of an object and the aerodynamic forces acting on it, potentially resulting in rapid failure.

  25. (quote-book)

  26. A small bet or risky investment.

  27. 30 July, 2009, Eurosport, ''Gray Matter: How will Schu do?''

  28. So with his victory odds currently at 14/1 or 3/1 for the podium, he's still most certainly well worth a flutter (..)
  29. A hasty game of cards or similar.

  30. The rapid variation of signal parameters, such as amplitude, phase, and frequency.

  31. (cot)