
suomi-englanti sanakirja

loop englannista suomeksi

  1. kiertää

  2. kierukka

  3. rengas

  4. silmukka

  5. sisäpiiri

  6. luuppi

  7. pyörittää

  8. tehdä silmukka

  9. kietoa

  10. sormenjälki

  11. kiinnityslenkki

  12. iteraatio

  1. Substantiivi

  2. silmukka

  3. ympyräreitti

  4. luuppi

  5. kierukka

  6. Verbi

  7. muodostaa silmukka">muodostaa silmukka

  8. köyttää

  9. jumittaa

  10. muodostua silmukaksi">muodostua silmukaksi

loop englanniksi

  1. A length of thread, line or rope that is doubled over to make an opening.

  2. The opening so formed.

  3. A shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself.

  4. ''Arches, loops, and whorls are patterns found in fingerprints.''

  5. A road or beltway.

  6. An endless strip of tape or film allowing continuous repetition.

  7. A complete circuit for an electric current.

  8. A programmed sequence of instructions that is repeated until or while a particular condition is satisfied.

  9. An edge that begins and ends on the same vertex.

  10. A path that starts and ends at the same point.

  11. A bus or rail route, walking route, etc. that starts and ends at the same point.

  12. A place at a terminus where trains or trams can turn round and go back the other way without having to reverse; a (w), turning loop, or reversing loop.

  13. (quote-book)|page=119|text=In 1908 the line was extended to a station called Wood Lane, which was built on a terminal track loop so that trains could turn round and go back the other way, ...

  14. A quasigroup with an element.

  15. A loop-shaped device.

  16. An aerobatic maneuver in which an aircraft flies a circular path in a vertical plane.

  17. A small, narrow opening; a loophole.

  18. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-1)

  19. (alternative form of)

  20. A flexible region in a protein's secondary structure.

  21. A sports league

  22. {{quote-text|en|date=September 27 1963|chapterurl=https://www.newspapers.com/image/912807925|chapter=Italias Vie In Bayonne On Sunday|title=The Jersey Journal|page=17

  23. To form something into a loop.

  24. To fasten or encircle something with a loop.

  25. To fly an aircraft in a loop.

  26. To move something in a loop.

  27. To join electrical components to complete a circuit.

  28. To duplicate the route of a pipeline.

  29. To create an error in a computer program so that it runs in an endless loop and the computer up|freezes up.

  30. To form a loop.

  31. To move in a loop.

  32. (ux)

  33. {{quote-journal

  34. To place in a loop.

  35. (quote-journal)

  36. To have the teacher progress through multiple school years with the same students.

  37. (quote-book)

  38. to walk

  39. walking, gait

  40. course

  41. barrel

  42. business end (of a rifle, etc.)

  43. run: a rapid passage in music, especially along a scale

  44. to repeatedly consume or play songs or videos

  45. to occur repeatedly

  46. (l); cycle (zh-mw)

  47. {{zh-x|無限 l{}o{}o{}p{lup1}|infinite never-ending loop|C

  48. course, duration

  49. a river course

  50. course of a projectile

  51. barrel (of a firearm)

  52. (infl of)

  53. (l) (gloss)

  54. (syn)

  55. (l) (gloss)