
suomi-englanti sanakirja

code englannista suomeksi

  1. koodijärjestelmä

  2. salakirjoitus, salakirjoitusjärjestelmä

  3. koodata

  4. muuntaa koodiksi

  5. lakikokoelma, laki, säännöskokoelma

  1. koodi

  2. laki, säännöskokoelma

  3. säännöt (monikko)

  4. avain, koodi, koodisto

  5. salakirjoitusjärjestelmä

  6. ohjelmoida, koodata

  7. koodata

  8. salakirjoittaa

  9. saada kohtaus">saada kohtaus

  10. Substantiivi

code englanniksi

  1. A short textual designation, often with little relation to the item it represents.

  2. (ux)

  3. A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form; a compilation of laws by public authority; a digest.

  4. {{quote-text|en|year=1872|author=Francis Wharton|title=A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws

  5. Any system of principles, rules or regulations relating to one subject.

  6. A set of rules for converting information into another form or representation.

  7. By synecdoche: a codeword, point, an encoded representation of a character, symbol, or other entity.

  8. A message represented by rules intended to conceal its meaning.

  9. (quote-journal)

  10. A cryptographic system using a codebook that converts words or phrases into codewords.

  11. (senseid) Instructions for a computer, written in a language; the input of a translator, an interpreter or a browser, namely: code, code, bytecode.

  12. A program.

  13. A particular lect or language variety.

  14. An emergency requiring situation-trained members of the staff.

  15. A set of rules that bind a group.

  16. To write software programs.

  17. To add codes to (a set).

  18. To categorise by assigning identifiers from a schedule, for example CPT coding for medical insurance purposes.

  19. To encode.

  20. To encode a protein.

  21. To call a hospital emergency code.

  22. Of a patient, to suffer a sudden medical emergency (gloss) such as arrest.

  23. tail

  24. (l) (gl)

  25. (l)

  26. {{zh-co|揼{dap6} c{}o{}d{}e{kuk1}|to write (computer) code|C

  27. book or body of laws, code of laws, (l)

  28. (syn)

  29. system of rules and principles, e.g. of conduct

  30. (l) (gloss)

  31. code (gloss)

  32. code

  33. queue, line

  34. (monikko) it|coda

  35. (senseid) Any kind of plant gum; a gummy or resinous substance.

  36. Cud; regurgitated food chewed upon by livestock.

  37. (quote-book)

  38. A mass or lump; a large pile of something.

  39. (senseid) A coherent and unified body of laws.

  40. The core of someone's last testament.

  41. (alt form)