
suomi-englanti sanakirja

medical englannista suomeksi

  1. lääkinnällinen, lääketieteellinen

  2. sairaanhoidollinen

  3. lääkärintarkastus

  1. lääketieteellinen, lääkäri-">lääkäri-, lääketiede / lääketieteen, lääketiede-">lääketiede-, lääkehoito-">lääkehoito-, lääkinnällinen

  2. lääke-">lääke-, lääkinnällinen

  3. sairas-">sairas-

  4. lääkäri / lääkärin, terveys-">terveys-

  5. Substantiivi

medical englanniksi

  1. Of or pertaining to the practice of medicine.

  2. ''doctor|medical doctor; student|medical student''


  3. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-06-21|author=Karen McVeigh

  4. Intended to have a therapeutic effect; medicinal.

  5. ''medical marijuana; medical cannabis; medical treatment''

  6. Requiring medical treatment.

  7. ''A costly medical condition can bankrupt you if it doesn't kill you first.''

  8. Pertaining to the state of one's health.

  9. ''medical examinaton; medical exemption; history|medical history; record|medical record''; medical diagnosis

  10. Pertaining to or requiring treatment by other than surgical means.

  11. ''medical ward''

  12. (senseid) Pertaining to (l) specifically (that is, (l)), rather than to other aspects of medicine and surgery.

  13. A medical examination.

  14. {{quote-journal|en|author=Jamie Jackson|title=Ángel di María says Manchester United were the ‘only club’ after Real|titleurl=|journal=The Guardian|date=26 August 2014

  15. (quote-journal)

  16. A medical practitioner.

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=1884|author=Robert Louis Stevenson|title=The Body Snatcher

  18. (quote-book)); the school of denominationalists, or pedantic adherents to the letter of absolutely defined principles; the legists, or partisans of a system of repression and punishment (on the Plehve-Pobyedonóschtschoff basis); the astrologists, or believers in occult influences; the medicals or elixirists; the sensualists; and many others, recalling to our minds the various divisions of Greek philosophy at the same period.

  19. (l) (pertaining to medicine, care, etc.)

  20. Of or relating to the finger.

  21. (l)