
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pro englannista suomeksi

  1. hyvä puoli

  2. puolesta

  3. ammattilainen, ammattilaisurheilija

  1. etu, hyvä puoli

  2. puolesta

  3. ammattilainen

  4. Substantiivi

pro englanniksi

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. (senseid) An advantage of something, especially when contrasted with its disadvantages (''cons'').

  3. (syn)



  4. A person who supports a concept or principle.

  5. favor of|In favor of.

  6. A professional sportsman.

  7. Professional.

  8. Professional.

  9. A prostitute.

  10. 1974, "Fynn" (Sydney Hopkins), ''(w)''

  11. Millie was one of the dozen or so pros who had a house at the top of the street.
  12. A proproctor.

  13. A chemical prophylaxis taken after sex to avoid contracting venereal disease.

  14. (l); benefit; bonus

  15. (l), for; favour of

  16. professional

  17. for

  18. (uxi)

  19. (l) (qualifier)

  20. caused by, of, to, to

  21. motivated by, the sake of, account of, for

  22. in exchange for

  23. of, than

  24. skilled

  25. a whiz, someone who is very good at something

  26. next

  27. per, each

  28. of

  29. (l), in favor of.

  30. (l).

  31. (clipping of).

  32. for, to, the sake of, not against

  33. place of, exchange for, return for

  34. (+ infinitive) to, order to (gloss)

  35. for, favor of/favour of

  36. good, benefit, advantage, weal

  37. {{quote-text|it|year=1321|author=Dante Alighieri|title=(Dante)|La divina commedia: Inferno|publisher=Le Monnier|year_published=1994|section=Canto II, p. 29, vv. 109-111

  38. pro

  39. (l); (l); (l)

  40. on behalf of, in the interest of, for the sake of

  41. 6th century BC, Tibur pedestal inscription (CIL I(sup) 2658; image (page 18)):

  42. (quote)𐌌𐌏𐌍𐌉𐌏𐌔𐌒𐌄𐌕𐌉𐌏𐌔𐌃𐌏𐌍𐌏𐌌𐌐𐌓𐌏𐌅𐌉𐌋𐌄𐌏𐌃|tr=HOIMEDMITATKAVIOS(nb...)MONIOSQETIOSDONOMPROFILEODHoi mēd mitāt Kāvios (nb...)monios Qetios dōnom prō fileōd.|t=Kavios (nb...)monios Qetios places me here as a gift on behalf of his son.
  43. before, front of

  44. instead of

  45. about

  46. according to

  47. as, like

  48. (Q) (l)|t=This was like an alarm

  49. as befitting

  50. per

  51. (tlb) advantage, benefit, upside

  52. enough

  53. ''N'i a pro.'' - There is enough (of it).

  54. quite

  55. ''Una rauba pro polida.'' - A quite pretty dress.

  56. (alternative form of)

  57. profit, advantage

  58. (Q)

  59. usefulness, advantage, benefit

  60. {{quote-text|osp|year=c. 1200|author=Almerich|title=de Ultramar|Fazienda de Ultramar|section=f. 5v

  61. (contraction of)

  62. (l), favor of, for

  63. (l) (professional)