
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cha englanniksi

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. tea, sometimes specifically chai

  3. (ux)

  4. {{quote-book|en|date=August 4 1934|author=George Herriman|title=Krazy Kat|page=206|publisher=Saturday, comic strip|isbn=978-1-63140-408-5

  5. You.

  6. {{quote-text|en|year=1976|title=Flying Magazine|page=34

  7. (quote-song)

  8. {{quote-book|en|year=2008|author=Barbara L. Jent|title=The Weddin' Day|publisher=Barbara Jent|isbn=9781436309547|page=157

  9. ''Used to count out steps, particularly involving the hip-shaking sections of rhythmic Latin dances''

  10. (syn of): a traditional of measure|unit of length equivalent to about 30.3(nbs)cm.

  11. to come

  12. four

  13. not

  14. (ja-romanization of)

  15. tea

  16. (Latn-def)

  17. (nonstandard spelling of)

  18. not

  19. (uxi)

  20. (alternative form of)

  21. crying, weeping

  22. to eat

  23. (cln) six(R:pi:PT)

  24. (clipping of)

  25. that

  26. who, whom

  27. (n-g): not

  28. (n-g): is not

  29. tea

  30. (syn)

  31. to dawn, (q) to rise

  32. (ant)

  33. to fear, be afraid

  34. (sw-adj form of)

  35. no

  36. (alt form)

  37. face-up (gl)

  38. a (l)

  39. (l), your father

  40. (l), my father

  41. you, father

  42. (aspirate mutation of)

  43. beaver

  44. blood

  45. red

  46. bloody, bleeding

  47. (ngd) used after words that end in (m).

  48. sharp