
suomi-englanti sanakirja

undercut englannista suomeksi

  1. lovi

  2. alakierre

  3. puuaines

  4. loveta

  5. myydä

  6. sisäfilee

  7. kovertaa

  8. poistaa

  9. lyödä alakierre

  1. Substantiivi

  2. kaatokolo

  3. sisäfilee

  4. leikkaus">undercut-leikkaus

  5. koukku boxing, fighting

  6. Verbi

  7. myydä halvemmalla">myydä halvemmalla

  8. leikata alta">leikata alta

  9. lyödä koukku">lyödä koukku boxing, fighting

undercut englanniksi

  1. A cut made in the lower part of something; the material so removed.

  2. The notch cut in a tree to direct its fall when being felled.

  3. The underside of a sirloin of beef; the fillet.

  4. A hairstyle that is shaved or clipped short on the sides and kept long on the top.

  5. A blow dealt upward.

  6. A section of a mold or pattern with negative draft angle

  7. A stop strategy in which a driver seeks to gain an advantage over someone by pitting before them and using fresh tyres to make up time.

  8. (ant)

  9. The continuation of the saddle of a rabbit's coat toward the front legs.

  10. To sell (something) at a lower price, or to work for lower wages, than a competitor.

  11. (syn)

  12. (quote-journal)

  13. To create an overhang by cutting away material from underneath.

  14. To undermine.

  15. July 18 2012, Scott Tobias, AV Club ''The Dark Knight Rises''http://www.avclub.com/articles/the-dark-knight-rises-review-batman,82624/

  16. Though Bane’s sing-song voice gives his pronouncements a funny lilt, he doesn’t have any of the Joker’s deranged wit, and Nolan isn’t interested in undercutting his seriousness for the sake of a breezier entertainment.
  17. To strike a heavy blow upward.

  18. Produced by undercutting.

  19. Designed so as to cut from the underside.

  20. Having the parts in relief cut under.