
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tai englanniksi

  1. Tai

  2. bark louse, bark-louse

  3. louse, sucking louse

  4. common louse

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. A fish, the Japanese bream.

  3. one

  4. to sew

  5. excrement, feces

  6. (alternative form of )

  7. (romanization of)

  8. feces

  9. dung; animal excrement

  10. despicable

  11. shit!

  12. Thai language

  13. coast

  14. sea-shore

  15. (qualifier) or

  16. (uxi)

  17. OR (gloss)

  18. the sea

  19. water

  20. (ja-romanization of)

  21. this

  22. that

  23. water

  24. so (gl)

  25. yes, that's right

  26. to that; (infl of)

  27. in that; (infl of)

  28. that, then (gloss); ''introduces a complement to the main clause''

  29. ''(m) (m), taĩ (m) (m).'' - If you want to, then you should

    ''(m), (m) (m), taĩ (m) (m).'' - All I wanted was to have a good night's sleep.

  30. firstthen

  31. ''Taĩ (m), taĩ (m) (m).'' - First one came, then another.

  32. ''puts additional emphasis on the subject of the clause''; now that|that's … !; so that|that's … !

  33. ''Taĩ (m) (m) (m)!'' - So that's where he is!

    ''(m) (m) taĩ (m) (m).'' - And now it's me who's in trouble.

  34. that (gloss)

  35. ''Taĩ (m)'' - That's interesting

    ''(m) taĩ (m)?'' - What is that?

  36. that, what (gloss)

  37. (ux) (m)|What ({{=that which) remains.|inline=1

    ''(m) (m) (m) (m) taĩ, (m) (m) (m).'' - Perhaps it's time I did what I like for once.

  38. discharge, dirt ((ngd))

  39. (cmn-pinyin of)

  40. (nonstandard spelling of)

  41. sea

  42. (alt form)

  43. he, she

  44. (ux)

  45. feces, excrement

  46. (inflection of)

  47. (cln) one, first, single

  48. (syn)

  49. ocean

  50. tide

  51. to carve, shape wood

  52. to hew

  53. (verb form of)

  54. (l)

  55. Tai

  56. to tie, to bind

  57. eagle

  58. tie (gl)

  59. the fish (taxlink)

  60. to stare at

  61. ear

  62. (monikko) cy|tŷ

  63. (cln) (infl of) (qualifier), which can also be omitted

  64. through, by; (ngd)

  65. run