
suomi-englanti sanakirja

nah englanniksi

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. No.

  3. (syn)

  4. here! (when giving something).

  5. (uxi)

  6. face (C)

  7. front

  8. (ux)

  9. near (in space or time or in an abstract sense), close, nearby

  10. (ant)

  11. 1903, (w), ''Olestjerne|Ellen Olestjerne'', in ''Franziska Gräfin zu Reventlo Gesammelte Werke'', Albert Langen, page 573:

  12. (quote)
  13. near (in space or time or in an abstract sense)

  14. (non-gloss definition); now; so; right; okay

  15. told you so! See?! (at long last the penny's dropped).

  16. ''Nah! Makanya jangan makan buah banyak-banyak (a mother scolding a child who has a stomachache)''

    See?! That's why you shouldn't eat a lot of fruit.

  17. here! (when giving something).

  18. (one's) child

  19. (one's) small object

  20. there

  21. close

  22. near

  23. towards

  24. after (time)

  25. to, towards

  26. (label) lo!, there it is!

  27. (label) ''Makes the following word negative''

  28. (label) ''accompanies the (w)'' (compare Russian кукиш)