
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lo englanniksi

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. look, see, behold (qualifier).

  3. (quote-book): Lo, lo again! Bite him to death, I prithee.

  4. (quote-book)

  5. (quote-book), (w)|others=Luke 15:29|passage=..., Lo, these many years do I serve thee, ....

  6. (informal spelling of)

  7. (clip of)

  8. (quote-book)|year_published=1992|title=(w)|page=112|passage=When Spade entered, Wise was buting a fingernail and staring at the window. He took his hand from his mouth, screwed his chair around to face Spade, and said: " 'Lo. Push a chair up."

  9. him (qualifier)

  10. the

  11. it (third-person singular neuter direct pronoun)

  12. sleep

  13. him (direct object)

  14. the (gloss)

  15. (syn)

  16. I

  17. fashion

  18. (zh-x)

  19. spoon

  20. (l) (l) within a (l) tribe

  21. {{quote-web|nl

  22. (Latn-def)

  23. (alternative form of)

  24. (ux)

  25. (non-gloss definition); it, the

  26. (ux)!

  27. ''Second-person singular pronoun'': you, your, yours

  28. (uxi)), page 53:

  29. (alt sp).

  30. it, that (direct object)

  31. ''Tu lo audi?'' – Do you hear it?

  32. (n-g) that is used before the so-called impure consonants, that is, s+consonant (s), gn, pn, ps, x, y, or z, and before i+vocal; before a vowel it becomes (m); the

  33. (uxi)

  34. him

  35. it, this or that thing

  36. (ja-romanization of)

  37. to go

  38. to come

  39. tongue

  40. rotten, spoiled

  41. (cmn-pinyin of)

  42. (nonstandard spelling of)

  43. clearing in a forest

  44. lint

  45. (inflection of)

  46. woollen hairs that shed off knitted or woven fabrics

  47. any of various birds of the family (taxfmt), the (l)s and dotterels

  48. a harvested (especially grain), that has been cut but not threshed

  49. grain, husk and straw

  50. a grain harvest

  51. hay

  52. (ngd): meadow

  53. part of a vessel whose side faces the wind

  54. located or situated on the windy side

  55. a shotgun shell

  56. a header (used by a blacksmith in production of iron nails)

  57. natural fertilizer

  58. dung

  59. (infl of)

  60. (infl of) ''and'' (l)

  61. the; (non-gloss definition)

  62. (alternative form of); masculine singular oblique definite article

  63. (alternative form of); masculine singular object pronoun

  64. shall

  65. will

  66. that (agr: dist nom masc sg)

  67. it

  68. he (dist masc nom)

  69. (pt-pronoun-with-l)

  70. wide, broad

  71. by, at, on

  72. to

  73. for

  74. this; (n-g)

  75. (inflection of), ello, and usted (when referring to a man); him, it, you (formal)

  76. (coi)

  77. (non-gloss definition) ''(clitic form of ello)''; it, that

  78. (non-gloss definition); the

  79. to (l)

  80. {{quote-book|srn|year=1783

  81. (l)

  82. (l) (gloss)

  83. {{quote-book|srn|year=1855

  84. (l), a great amount or number

  85. (l)

  86. (l), (l), a (gloss)

  87. (l), (l)

  88. (l), (l)

  89. oh!

  90. a lynx

  91. (ng)

  92. law

  93. to bother; to worry

  94. to attend to; to care for

  95. (soft mutation of)

  96. and

  97. and

  98. (n-g)

  99. year

  100. (xh-combining stem of)

  101. to use; to engage; to exploit

  102. to become parboiled (gl)

  103. to become bendable or flexible

  104. to lose interest in something; to become disheartened

  105. eye

  106. {{quote-book|za|year=2016|section=Lizsij dih Gaihcij Genesis 1:3|title=Gij Baujcingq Moq Caeuq Geij Bonj Gij Baujcingq Daeuzdaeuz|trans-title=The New Testament with A Few Books of the Old Testament|location=Hong Kong|publisher=New Bridge Publishing Company Limited|isbn=978-988-14810-0-9|passage=Gajlaeng Cangqdiq naeuz: “Rongh!” Yiengq couh doq miz rongh lo.|t=And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

  107. daughter-in-law

  108. to worry; to be anxious

  109. basket

  110. (zu-combining stem of)