
suomi-englanti sanakirja

face englannista suomeksi

  1. olla jnnk päin

  2. röyhkeys

  3. kasvot

  4. reunustaa

  5. päällystää

  6. turpa, naama

  7. olla vastakkain, olla vastapäätä

  8. kääntyä kasvokkain

  9. kasvo

  10. pinta

  11. kohdata

  12. etupuoli

  13. ilme

  14. seinämä

  15. kirjasintyyli

  16. esittää faktat

  17. kääntää oikein päin

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

  3. olla (johonkin) päin">olla (johonkin) päin

  4. kohdata

face englanniksi

  1. The front part of the head of a human or other animal, featuring the eyes, nose{{, and mouth, and the surrounding area.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)

  4. (RQ:Allingham China Governess)

  5. One's expression.

  6. A distorted facial expression; an expression of displeasure, insult, etc.

  7. The amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, etc., without any interest or discount; value.

  8. (quote-journal)|volume=189|issue=5|page=(gbooks)|passage=MAKE Money-wholesale U.S. stamps—buy mint stamps below face. Be a dealer. Send $1.00 for two giant catalogs, refunded first order. Von Stein, Bernardsville, N.J.

  9. (quote-newsgroup)

  10. A headlining wrestler with a persona embodying heroic or virtuous traits and who is regarded as a "guy", especially one who is handsome and well-conditioned; a face.

  11. The mouth.

  12. (cap); one's complete facial cosmetic application.

  13. (cap) image; outward appearance.

  14. (quote-journal)

  15. (cap) reputation; standing, in the eyes of others; dignity; prestige.

  16. (coi)

  17. (cap) confidence; boldness; effrontery.

  18. a. 1694, (w), Preface to ''The Works''

  19. This is the man that has the face to charge others with false citations.
  20. An aspect of the character or nature of someone or something.

  21. (cap); sight; front.

  22. (RQ:Rinehart Hopwood Bat)

  23. (senseid) A person; the self; (l).

  24. (cot) (''see notes|ass § Usage notes'')

  25. A familiar or well-known person; a member of a particular scene, such as the music or fashion scene.

  26. (quote-journal)|author=Nik Cohn|work=New York Magazine|passage=Vincent was the very best dancer in Bay Ridge—the ultimate Face.

  27. The frontal aspect of something.

  28. The numbered dial of a clock or watch; the face.

  29. (quote-av)

  30. The directed force of something.

  31. Any surface, especially a front or outer one.

  32. (RQ:KJV)

  33. (RQ:Byron Childe Harold)

  34. (quote-video game)|location=Redwood City|publisher=Electronic Arts|year=2008|genre=fiction|Science Fiction|system=PC|scene=Normandy SR-1|isbn=9780784546642|oclc=246633669|passage=Captain Anderson: He has the secrets from the beacon. He has an army of geth at his command. And he won't stop until he's wiped humanity from the face of the galaxy!

  35. Any of the flat bounding surfaces of a polyhedron; more generally, any of the bounding pieces of a polytope of any dimension.

  36. The front surface of a bat.

  37. The part of a club that hits the ball.

  38. The head of a lion, shown face-on and off immediately behind the ears.

  39. The side of the card that shows its value (as opposed to the back side, which looks the same on all cards of the deck).

  40. The character, especially as opposed to minions or other entities which might absorb damage instead of the player character.

  41. The width of a pulley, or the length of a cog from end to end.

  42. The exposed surface of the mineral deposit where it is being mined. Also the exposed end surface of a tunnel where digging may still be in progress.

  43. A typeface.

  44. A mode of regard, whether favourable or unfavourable; favour or anger.

  45. To position oneself or itself so as to have one's face closest to (something).

  46. (RQ:Hough Purchase Price)

  47. To have its front closest to, or in the direction of (something else).

  48. (RQ:Milton History)

  49. To cause (something) to turn or present a face or front, as in a particular direction.

  50. {{quote-text|en|year=1963|author=Ian Fleming|title=On Her Majesty's Secret Service

  51. To improve the display of stock by ensuring items aren't upside down or back to front and are pulled forwards.

  52. To be presented or confronted with; to have in prospect.

  53. (quote-video game)|location=Redwood City|publisher=Electronic Arts|year=2008|system=PC|scene=Citadel|genre=fiction|Science Fiction|isbn=9780784546642|oclc=246633669|passage=Ambassador Udina: The other species are scared. They've never faced anything like this before and they don't know what to do.

  54. To deal with (a difficult situation or person); to accept (facts, reality, etc.) even when undesirable.

  55. {{RQ:Dryden Spanish Fryar

  56. To have the front in a certain direction.

  57. To have as an opponent.

  58. To be the batsman on strike.

  59. To confront impudently; to bully.

  60. (RQ:Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew)

  61. To cover in front, for ornament, protection, etc.; to put a facing upon.

  62. (quote-book)

  63. To line near the edge, especially with a different material.

  64. To cover with better, or better appearing, material than the mass consists of, for purpose of deception, as the surface of a box of tea, a barrel of sugar, etc.

  65. (senseid) To make the surface of (anything) flat or smooth; to dress the face of (a stone, a casting, etc.); especially, in turning, to shape or smooth the flat (transverse) surface of, as distinguished from the cylindrical (axial) surface.

  66. (hypo)

  67. To arrange the products in (a store) so that they are tidy and attractive.

  68. boil

  69. ferment

  70. (l) (gl)

  71. (clipping of)

  72. (l)

  73. surface, side

  74. head (gloss)

  75. (l)

  76. (ia-form of)

  77. torch

  78. (syn)

  79. (quote-book)|t=So among flowers and springs cupids partake in gentle dances without arches nor torches.

  80. (quote-book) vide (..) ¶ Aiace (..) ¶ Fra le dardanie faci arso e splendente ¶ Scagliar rotta la spada, e trarsi l'elmo, ¶ E fulminare immobile col guardo ¶ Ettore che perplesso ivi si tenne|translation=She saw Ajax, burning and shining among the Trojan torches, throw away the broken sword, and take off his helm, and, immobile, stare down Hector, who stood there perplexed.

  81. light

  82. (alt form of), (inflection of)

  83. (inflection of)

  84. 14(sup) C., (w), ''Canterbury Tales/General Prologue|General Prologue''

  85. Boold was hir face, and fair, and reed of hewe.
    : Bold was her face, and fair, and red of hue.
  86. (alt form)

  87. {{quote-text|fro|year=c. 1170|author=Chrétien de Troyes|title=et Énide|Érec et Énide

  88. (quote-book)|translation=the symptoms are the following: swollen face (..)|page=148 of this essay

  89. the cheek

  90. to do, act

  91. (uxi)

  92. to make (gl)

  93. to cause someone to do something

  94. (uxi) pese.|I’ll make you care.

    (ux) facem sufragerie.|We’ll make this room into a living room.

  95. birth to someone

  96. (ux) făcut la 28 de ani.|His mother had him at 28.

  97. to develop a disease or certain physical features

  98. names

  99. to cover a certain distance

  100. to become a certain age

  101. to turn one’s path to a certain direction

  102. to cost

  103. to be advantageous, it to do something

  104. to imitate or pretend to be something else, mockingly, deceitfully or humorously (+preo)

  105. to pretend

  106. to become or into

  107. to become (gl)

  108. to acquire, hold of something short notice

  109. to over immediately, get over here

  110. in direct or indirect questions to with a situation

  111. (ngd)

  112. |of feelings or sensations to arise, hold of somebody

  113. to get (gl)

  114. (es-verb form of)