
suomi-englanti sanakirja

moot englannista suomeksi

  1. kiistanalainen

  2. harjoitusoikeudenkäynti

  3. pohtia

  1. kiistanalainen, ratkaisematon, kiistelty; kiistakysymys noun

  2. epärelevantti, asian vierestä

  3. tuoda keskusteluun, ehdottaa, esittää

  4. Substantiivi

moot englanniksi

  1. Subject to discussion (originally at a moot); arguable, debatable, unsolved or impossible to solve.

  2. 1770, (w), ''The Bark Endeavour|Endeavour Journal of Sir Joseph Banks'', Endeavour Journal of Sir Joseph Banks/January 1770|January 4, 1770 (published 1962):

  3. (..):indeed we were obligd to hawl off rather in a hurry for the wind freshning a little we found ourselves in a bay which it was a moot point whether or not we could get out of:(..)
  4. (RQ:Melville Moby-Dick)

  5. (quote-text)

  6. (quote-text)|title=The Great Nation|page=477|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2003

  7. Being an exercise of thought; academic.

  8. Having no practical consequence or relevance.

  9. (syn)


  10. {{quote-journal|en|year=2007|author=Paul Mankowski|title=The Languages of Biblical Translation|titleurl=|journal=Adoremus Bulletin|volume=13|issue=4

  11. A court.

  12. {{RQ:Elyot Governour

  13. A system of arbitration in many areas of Africa in which the primary goal is to settle a dispute and reintegrate adversaries into society rather than assess penalties.

  14. A gathering of Rovers, usually in the form of a camp lasting 2 weeks.

  15. A social gathering of pagans, normally held in a house.

  16. (senseid) An assembly (usually for decision-making in a locality). (defdate)

  17. A ring for gauging wooden pins.

  18. To bring up as a subject for debate, to propose.

  19. (quote-journal)

  20. To discuss or debate.

  21. {{RQ:Hamilton Metaphysics and Logic

  22. (quote-web)

  23. (senseid) To make or declare irrelevant.

  24. To argue or plead in a supposed case.

  25. {{quote-text|en|year=1641|author=Ben Jonson|title=Timber

  26. To talk or speak.

  27. (quote-text)|title=The Buik of the Croniclis of Scotland|url=

  28. To say, utter, also insinuate.

  29. A whisper, or an insinuation, also gossip or rumors.

  30. Talk.

  31. Vagina.

  32. The stump of a tree; the roots and bottom end of a felled tree.

  33. {{quote-book

  34. To take root and begin to grow.

  35. To turn up soil or dig up roots, especially an animal with a snout.

  36. A mutual follower on a media platform.

  37. 2020, @healer_katara, "Café au Twitter", ''ZaofuToday'', Issue 1, page 10:

  38. Eid Mubarak to all my muslim moots out there
  39. 2021, @DIORJAEYUN, "NCity Small Business", ''EnVi'', Winter 2021, page 222:

  40. I just simply post them in my main Twitter account, then hoping that my moots will like and retweet them.
  41. 2022, anonymous, quoted in Fayika Farhat Nova ''et al.'', "Cultivating the Community: Inferring Influence Within Eating Disorder Networks on Twitter", ''Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction'', January 2022 (article link):

  42. RT: hi..jst joined edtwt! let’s be moots and rt each other
  43. (seemoreCites)

  44. (missp)

  45. A thick slice or a cut, especially of fish.

  46. A chunk of any whole; a part.