
suomi-englanti sanakirja

macula englannista suomeksi

  1. makula

  2. täplä

  1. Substantiivi

  2. keltatäplä

  3. täplä; pilkku in the sun

  4. läiskä, läikkä

  5. pilkku, täplä, alue depending on relative size

  6. Verbi

macula englanniksi

  1. An oval yellow spot near the center of the retina of the human eye, histologically defined as having two or more layers of ganglion cells, responsible for detailed central vision.

  2. A small chamber of the ear of certain vertebrates filled with endolymph and containing an otolith.

  3. A spot, as on the skin, or on the surface of the sun or of some other luminous orb.

  4. A rather large spot or blotch of color.

  5. In planetary geology, an unusually dark area on the surface of a planet or moon.

  6. (ca-verb form of)

  7. (inflection of)

  8. (l)

  9. stain, blot

  10. (l) blotch

  11. (non-gloss definition)

  12. a spot, speck, small mark (non-gloss definition) stain

  13. a disfiguring spot, stain, (non-gloss definition) blemish

  14. a blemish, (non-gloss definition) ((non-gloss definition) a bruise, freckle, mole, birthmark, (non-gloss definition))

  15. a stain, an area of soiling (non-gloss definition) defilement

  16. a fault (non-gloss definition) blemish, a blot on one’s character

  17. a mark of shame (non-gloss definition) disgrace; a stigma, brand, (non-gloss definition) blight

  18. any kind of marking (non-gloss definition) point of variegation; a speckle, spot, patch, line, (non-gloss definition)

  19. a mesh (non-gloss definition), a cell (non-gloss definition), (non-gloss definition) a hole (non-gloss definition)

  20. a cell (non-gloss definition), a ring of mail armour

  21. a link (non-gloss definition)

  22. A lesion on the eye or skin.

  23. (pt-verb form of)

  24. to mark, to spoil

  25. (es-verb form of)