
suomi-englanti sanakirja

maa englanniksi

  1. countryside

  2. country

  3. earth

  4. land

  5. Earth

  6. ground, solid ground, terra firma

  7. baa

  8. suit

  9. dirt

  10. grounds

  1. A bleating sound, as that of a sheep or goat.

  2. To make such a sound.

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=1992|author=Josepha Sherman|title=A Sampler of Jewish-American Folklore|page=126

  4. (quote-book)

  5. (alternative form of)

  6. eye

  7. snake

  8. hand

  9. (alt form)

  10. earth

  11. land

  12. ground

  13. country

  14. countryside

  15. rural

  16. agri

  17. ground, land (gloss)

  18. (ux)

  19. ground, floor, down (gl)

  20. soil, earth (gloss)

  21. (syn)


  22. country (gloss)

  23. land (gloss)

  24. countryside (gloss)

  25. (coi)

  26. suit

  27. ground, earth (gloss)

  28. hand (part of the body)

  29. finger

  30. five

  31. totem

  32. marks made on rugs and weapons to indicate the totem of their manufacturer/owner

  33. water

  34. (RQ:izh:Geografia-1:1936)

  35. soil

  36. (RQ:izh:Loonnontiito-1:1937)

  37. (RQ:izh:Bukvari:1936)

  38. floor (gl)

  39. (RQ:izh:Lukukirja-1:1936)

  40. mother

  41. (obsolete typography of)

  42. (adj form of)

  43. there

  44. of, to

  45. to hold

  46. to seize

  47. rain

  48. (n-g)

  49. (synonyms)


  50. (contraction of)