
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lust englannista suomeksi

  1. himo, halu

  2. himoita

  1. Substantiivi

  2. himo

  3. ikävöinti, ikävä

  4. ilo

  5. Verbi

  6. himoita

lust englanniksi

  1. A feeling of strong desire, especially such a feeling driven by sexual arousal.

  2. (ux)

  3. A general want or longing, not necessarily sexual.

  4. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  5. (RQ:Hall Epistles). Robert Darcy. The Estate of a True, but Weake Christian|page=108|passage=The vvorld thruſts it ſelfe betvvixt me and heauen; and, by his darke and indigeſted parts, eclipſeth that light vvhich ſhined to my ſoule. Novv, a ſenſeleſſe dulneſſe ouer-takes mee, and beſots mee; my luſt to deuotion is little, my ioy none at all: Gods face is hid, and I am troubled.

  6. A delightful cause of joy, pleasure.

  7. {{quote-text|en|year=c. 1521|author=John Skelton|title=Speke Parott

  8. virility; vigour; active power

  9. (RQ:Bacon Sylva Sylvarum)

  10. To look at or watch with a strong desire, especially of a sexual nature.

  11. (l), desire (qualifier)

  12. object of desire

  13. pleasure, joy

  14. benefit, advantage

  15. a taste for, strong tendency to

  16. (infl of)

  17. pleasure, fun, joy, lust ''(non-sexual)''

  18. enjoyment, pleasure

  19. (l), desire

  20. hunger, desire to eat

  21. desire, pleasure, appetite, lust

  22. (quotei)

  23. desire to do something

  24. (ux)|It's nice to have a garden plot that you can potter around in when the desire strikes

  25. (quote-song). Jag blir fascinerad. Känner hunger, känner törst. Det gör mig passionerad. Det gör mig fylld av lust. Pescatore, vesuvio, la bussola, pompei. Vad ni frestar mig. Siciliana, al tonne sic, vegetariano. Jag får aldrig nog.|t=Campagnola, fiuggirola, quattro stagioni, marinara, capricciosa, can't help myself. I am become fascinated. Feeling hunger, feeling thirst. It makes me passionate. It makes me filled sic with desire. Pescatore, vesuvio, la bussola, pompei. How you tempt me. Siciliana, al tonne sic, vegetariano. I never get enough.

  26. to like, to want (to do something)

  27. to lose one's desire to do something, to lose one's enthusiasm for something

  28. sexual desire

  29. (syn)

  30. joy, delight

  31. desire, appetite

  32. lust, sexual desire