

  1. himo, halu



  1. kuolemansynti, himo, halu, eros, himokkuus, fyysinen vetovoima, irstaus, haluta hartaasti, kaivata, janota, kaivata kiihkeästi, himoita, haluta kovasti, isota, haluta, tahtoa, mieliä.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: luste, lusto, lustokuoriainen, lustosavi.



himo, halu

himoita A feeling of strong desire, especially such a feeling driven by sexual arousal.

Seeing Kim fills me with a passionate lust.

puhekieltä A general want or longing, not necessarily sexual.

The boarders hide their lust to go home.

For little lust had she to talk of aught.
Bishop Hall
My lust to devotion is little.
puhekieltä A delightful cause of joy, pleasure.

An ideal son is his fathers lasting lust.''

puhekieltä virility; vigour; active power


(intransitive, usually in the phrase "lust after") To look at or watch with a strong desire, especially of a sexual nature.

He was lusting after the woman in the tight leather miniskirt.

lustEnglish lust, desire (especially sexual)
pleasure, joy

Het was een lust om naar hem te kijken en te luisteren.

It was a pleasure watching and listening to him.

benefit, advantage
(nl-verb form of)
pleasure, happiness, joy, lustEnglish lust (non-sexual)
desire, pleasure, appetite, English lust

Him wæs metes micel lust: he had a craving for food. (Ælfric's Homilies)

puhekieltä English lust (a mood of desire), joy, a keen interest


a desire (for something specific)


lust rimmaa näiden kanssa:

just, must

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